The President of the United States of America - Donald J. Trump - has long recognized the Prime Minister of Japan - Shinzo Abe - as a crucial ally in the Pacific - and now the two are scheduled to pair at the Mar-a-Lago Resort where they'll discuss their pact to defeating China in the Pacific and regaining regional leadership through peace with North Korea.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Getting ready to meet Prime Minister Abe of Japan, a truly fine gentleman!</p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="">April 17, 2018</a></blockquote>
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President Trump and Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe have a familial bond, a strengthening friendship that could prove crucial to the existence of each nation as well as their respective ambitions, and they've already arranged plans to extend those relationships at the President's Florida getaway, Mar-a-Lago.
There's a multitude of reasons the importance of stronger ties between Japan and America aren't reported by the media, and China is a central part of the reason the mainstream networks avoid this discussion, which we'll come back to a little later in the article.
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PM Abe’s Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) secured a supermajority of Japan's national parliament back home just six months ago, with his own approval rating being over 50%. Don't let the word “liberal” fool you, Abe’s party is as American as apple pie, it's just that the United States liberals have now embraced radical left agendas.
Japan has strong trade ties with America, and our agreement to protect the island nation since World War II’s conclusion has remained intact, although Japan craves for its own freedoms to defend itself. Which is great, America loves saving money.
Despite this, the Moritomo scandals involving a land deal granted to a right-wing activist who's friendly with Abe’s wife have lowered those high ratings, and he needs to now work on directing focus to his Constitution and alliance with America to restore himself.
President Trump, who's also under attack at home by both the Democratic Party’s desire to see him fail, the “fake news” media, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller; have been able to otherwise ignore the screeching of the left to keep the American empire strong abroad.
Japan is crucial to the President's chess-match with China, and regardless of whether the media claims he's playing a dangerous game or not with our counterparts in China, Trump continues to move pawns across the board and return those as queens against the Chinese.
You won't hear the President of the United States of America receives credit for his victories against China in the mainstream media, even though the Conservative networks which are supposed to support the Trump Administration, because of the loyalties to China.
Remember when I said we'd discuss that later? Well, now let's talk about why the media, including the networks who are supposed to be on Trump's side, won't credit him in China.
The left-wing “fake news” media, Washington Post, The New York Times, MSNBC, CBS, and even CNN all receive rating boosts from fear-mongering about a potential trade war occurring in China, as well as most of their Executives supporting the agenda of globalization in the first place.
Even the supposedly “Conservative network” of Fox News has economic ties to China through News Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch, who was not only married to his now former third wife, pro-Communist Chinese native Wendi Deng before their divorce, reported in the<a href=""> Vision Times</a>, but personally donated to the Communist Party of China (CCP) and had affiliations with the Communist Youth League in China, as reported by<a href=""> The New York Times</a>.
At the time it was alleged that the Communist Wendi Deng had carried on an intimate affair with British Prime Minister Tony Blair, but<a href=""> Vanity Fair </a>would later report she was acting as a spy for the Communist Party of China, which is rarely discussed in the media and definitely never mentioned in Fox News, nor is the fact that Fox’s News Corp was a major donor to Hillary Clinton, as reported by<a href=""> Breitbart</a>.
For those who were unaware of the above facts, now you know why nobody will credit President Trump correctly in China. He campaigned on defeating China, and he's fulfilling those promises.
That being said, these are the logistical reasons that the American media doesn't discuss matters of the subliminal war with China.
Since our loyalties are to the American flag first and foremost, we're comfortable chatting about the ongoing trade war with China, which was actually declared decades ago, although it's continued while the two nations have had a working relationship.
Outside of trade, there's an important, although quite-unknown currency war occurring between the United States of America and China, where China has attempted to destroy the US Dollar through the implementation of the Petro-Yuan, even having the nations of Syria, Iran, Russia, Cuba, and Venezuela stating they would accept the petro-yuan over the petro-dollar in exchange for oil.
America cannot allow this to happen, or what you're paying ten cents for today you could pay ten dollars for tomorrow, as the dollar's purchase power would be greatly diminished.
China has ambitions of dominating the planet, even having an unofficial “2050” plan to outmatch the American military might by the year 2050, with some experts having said it may happen before.
That was of course before President Trump, and <i>with a new Sheriff in town</i>, America is back.
For Shinzo Abe, forming a strong bond with President Trump could be crucial to his nation's future as well, as Japan wishes to rewrite their own Constitution to allow a military presence outside of just for defensive purposes.
History fanatics will know that the tiny island of Japan has historically dominated China in the Pacific, at one time even attempting to invade China, and could be crucial to ending China's bullying in the Pacific.
During the Obama years, China continued to expand their presence throughout the Pacific, building fortresses on man-made islands in the South Pacific, even harassing naval vessels from the United States of America's allies such as Guam, Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, and a multitude of other countries.
Obama did nothing to stop this, and it was part of China's inevitable geopolitical strategy to position themselves to defend against a potential war with America if it were to occur.
It's one of the key reasons President Trump and Shinzo Abe have allied against their opposition in the Pacific, and a useful strategy that could pay off in the future if the United States and China were ever to become hostile and a war-like scenario.
Having Japan rebuild its already mighty military, especially their Navy, would set China back fifty years, and ensure that an American ally such as Japan dominates the waters of the Pacific.
This meeting between President Trump and Shinzo Abe holds so much more important for future generations than the media will give it credit for, and we're certainly anticipating enormous gains in appreciation for our Japanese allies afterward.
Another hot discussion will likely be North Korea, and what appears to be a sudden shift towards denuclearization from Kim Jong Un.
Japan's eventual military expansion could also assist in countering North Korea, another major benefit to the positive relations between Japan and America.
Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un is likely to negotiate peace during President Trump's term, which it does occur, would make President Trump's foreign policy legacy forever cemented in history as being one of five finest.
"We have also started talking to North Korea directly," President Trump said today. "We have had direct talks at very high levels, extremely high levels with North Korea."
This historic bond is helpful, and if talks with North Korea are successful in peace, promises that President Trump is recognized forever as a legend.
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<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;"><b>The Goldwater</b></span>
That's very weak- I guess Microsoft is through nuking them every five months now then?