A bizarre crime could land a Chinese YouTube star named Kangua Ren in prison for up to two years after he gave a homeless man an Oreo filled with toothpaste. The prank is fairly benign, you scrape the inside of an Oreo out and replace it with toothpaste and watch your unsuspecting victim's face when they realize something isn't right.
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The YouTube star Kangua Ren broadcasts under the name ReSet and is facing up to two years in prison after he filmed himself squirting the toothpaste into double-stacked Oreo cookies and then putting them back into the packaging. Ren then took to the streets of Barcelona where he resides and served them up to people walking by.
The stunt was meant to entertain his 1 million plus YouTube followers but now it may land him in prison for two years. Ren hands one man $25 and one of the "special" cookies. The police later identified the man as 52-year-old Gheorge L. When the man eats the Oreo, Ren begins to question himself asking, "Maybe I've gone a bit far."
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"But look at the positive side," Ren continues, "This will help him clean his teeth. I think he hasn't cleaned them since he became poor." The Oreo prank video garnered $2,475 from advertisements but Ren is facing a $37,133 fine if found guilty. Prosecutors are calling Ren's prank video a crime against moral integrity.
When Ren uploaded the video it was immediately awash in controversy prompting him to later delete it. He even tried to make amends with Gheorge L. by visiting him but witnesses called authorities when Ren was spotted near the victim. Gheorge L. escaped a dictatorship in Romania and said he threw up shortly after eating the cookie. He also said he had never been treated so poorly since he became homeless.
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Source: https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/youtube-oreo-toothpaste-reset-kanghua-jail-spain-12846035.php
Twitter: #ReSet #YouTube #ForTheViews #Toothpaste #Oreo #Spain
And again the Chinese show how soulless they really are.
You just don't screw with someones food.
If I were the judge, I'd offer her 2 years or the option of 1 year after eating a whole package of the same way contaminated cookies. Plus post the video on the Internet of her tossing her cookies for several hours as a clear example of the punishment.