Back in 2013, London had the sad duty to report the passing of their former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, whom many thought was a controversial figure of the 20th century and thus some hailed the news by requesting ‘ding dong the witch is dead’ (from ‘the Wizard of Oz’ movie) be played on BBC radio, to which the mostly leftwing state radio station obliged.
A debate ensued which asked that people would be left alone upon their passing, and commentators let the family deal with their remorse.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Randa jarrar is the epitome of what is wrong with the left.<br><br>What kind of person slams such a wonderful woman within hours of her death?<a href="">#RandaJarrar</a> <a href="">#BarbaraBush</a> <a href="">#ThursdayThoughts</a> <a href=""></a></p>— 🇺🇸 MARQUIS 🇺🇸 (@RealMarquis7) <a href="">April 19, 2018</a></blockquote>
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This week, the US saw the passing of Ms. Barbara Bush, a figure much less controversial we esteem. Yet a Professor from the state California, Ms. Randa Jarrar who is employed as Fresno State English professor thought her moment had come to spill into a bile-fuelled rampage at the Bush family, still in their grieving process.
Related coverage:
Ms. Jarrar, who grew up in Kuwait and Egypt, stated: “Barbara Bush was a generous and smart and amazing racist who, along with her husband, raised a war criminal. F*** outta here with your nice words.”
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Randa Jarrar's twitter account was locked & the Fresno State English Department's website lists her as on "LEAVE."Fresno State Responds After Professor Calls Barbara Bush 'Amazing Racist,' Says 'I Will Never Be Fired' <a href=""></a></p>— R. Wolfe (@WhoWolfe) <a href="">April 18, 2018</a></blockquote>
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When people reacted rather dismayed to these harsh words, Ms. Jarrar went against them even harder, stating that she has tenure and can, therefore “never be fired.”
“I will always have people wanting to hear what I have to say.”
Fresno State University, realizing the extent of the bad press it would get, was then quick to offer its “deepest condolences to the Bush family.”
“We share the deep concerns expressed by others over the personal comments made by Professor Randa Jarrar. Her statements were made as a private citizen, not as a representative of Fresno State.”
In the past 12 hours, Ms. Jarrar’s account from Fresno State has been locked and she has been put on ‘leave’.
She has a spotted semi-Islamic History and non-practicing past as stated by herself in 2015-2017 articles. She therefore is more like playing an Elizabeth Warren type role in its use.
She was born in Chicago (surprise) and raised about half her life in the Middle East.
She is NOT Pro-USA and has made that clear in her articles and writings.
If anyone wants to contact her there are several FSU websites that list her FSU EMAIL and Office Phone #.
I send this fat ass bitch back to Kuwait. We don't need someone like this in our country. Better yet, stick a bomb in her ass and blow her back to Kuwait.
Fresno should fire this woman immediately. Anyone who claims they can't be fired because of tenure should never be allowed to teach children anything.
>Fat Acceptance Movement
This is where your tax dollars are going
What a fat slob. They are really paying this tub of lard $100,000k a year? For what?!
This is the problem with tenure, people like this know they wont be fired so they do a shit job
Great article, she's a demon and there are many more like her. The college's here are scary. The UMASS medical school in Worcester held a "blacks lay down with your white blanket"(if I got that phrase wrong, I apologise it was something right to that degree) 20 minutes of silence for the young man in California who was shot and killed by police(not murdered to they're top talking point). They didn't even take there white medical coats off. Jim Polito was talking about it and is alike to you guys with this story, Newt Gingrich says "You can't make this stuff up!" There is really no words that I would utter in response to such behavior because my grandmother would then rollover in her grave. I'm feeling that way now. God Bless have a great day everybody.