Alfie Evans, the 23-month-old toddler at the center of a High Court legal battle, has died.
The sweet precious boy from Merseyside, who had a degenerative brain condition, died at 02:30 BST, his father Tom Evans said.
On Facebook, he wrote: "My gladiator lay down his shield and gained his wings… absolutely heartbroken."
Alfie’s parents constantly placed pressure on the justice system trying to keep their son alive.
Following the rejections by the judges in the European Court of Rights, Tom said he and Kate were “in bits, distraught, in pain”, and the decision meant their son was “about to be murdered”.
Related Article:<a href=""><b>The Slow Murder Of Alfie Evans</b> </a>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Alfie Evans has died<br><br>Reminder:<br>Socialized Healthcare systems continue to cost innocent lives<br><br>Reminder Democrats want that in America<br><br>Also a reminder millions of babies have died because Democrats support abortion<br><br>Say no to Socialism and Communist Policies<a href="">#AlfieEvans</a><a href="">#RIP</a> <a href=""></a></p>— Courtney J. Trump ♠️♦️♣️♥️ (@IWillRedPillU) <a href="">April 28, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
The family took their battle to the Supreme Court after the Court of Appeal agreed with Alder Hey that Alfie “could not be saved” and that it would be “unkind” and “futile” to continue treatment. On April 20, a bid to have the decision overturned was denied.
Last Friday, outside Alder Hey hospital, Tom said he was told he could face prison if he removes Alfie from the hospital, and there were police officers on the ward to stop him from taking his son.
Following one appeal, Lord Justice Davis ruled that Alfie’s life support must be turned off and told lawyers that doctors had agreed that there was “no hope”.
He said: “We cannot have a kind of legal Groundhog Day where you come back again and again and again on the same point.”
On April 23rd, they begin the slow, painful process of his execution by removing him from life support. Alfie defied them again as he continued to breathe on his own, without assistance, for several hours. The doctors, perplexed by this, eventually agreed to give Alfie water but no food. Since they could not suffocate him by taking away his oxygen, they would starve him to death.
Alfie’s parents were granted one final hearing with a judge, praying he would have a conscience and the human decency to let them put their sweet son on that helicopter and take him to a place, with open arms, willing to give him medical care. But sadly he showed them no mercy. Their request was denied. The boy must die. This is his “final chapter,” says the judge.
Related Article: <a href="">UK - Alfie Evans' Parents Drop Legal Bid, Plead To Take Him Home</a>
Precious little Alfie, the gladiator, God has you now, little one.
Related Sources:
<b>By: Lexy </b>
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