By: Savannah Smith | 05-01-2018 | News
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Texas - Man Orders Child to Steal Packages From Doorsteps

Stealing packages at homes has become such a common crime in Houston but one homeowner discovered a new, strange twist to it. His home surveillance cameras recorded videos showing a child stealing his packages under instructions from an adult.

Homeowner Joseph Diaz expressed shock on what he saw. He said: “I could not believe it. It’s something I’ve never seen before.”

The incident took place in the Southwood subdivision of the 3rd Ward last week at around 3 in the afternoon.

The captured surveillance video shows a man walking along the street with a 7-or-8-year-old girl and a much younger boy.

The man is shown carrying the girl’s backpack and it appears that they were walking home from a nearby elementary school. Then the man could be heard instructing the little girl to “grab everything” from the porch- about five packages in all, including a large box.

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The little girl then did as instructed, as video shows her running across the street to the house and is then seen running back to the man, clearly struggling to carry the heavy load.

Diaz could not shake off his shock at what he discovered, especially how twisted the man who ordered such a thing to a child is. He shared: “They just came out of school and then you go and tell your kid to steal for you? That’s just the most frustrating, heartbreaking thing any parent, any person can see.”’

Diaz is not so worried about the stolen packages as they merely contain “little, petty things” but what he is more concerned about is how the unfortunate incident will impact on the child and the wrong values she’ll get from the horrible experience she was made to go through.

Diaz immediately alerted the Houston police about the incident. It is unlikely that the man will get away with his theft package crime aggravated further by the ruthless involvement of a child as Diaz has also reached out to the nearby elementary school, showing the officials the video in the hope someone will recognize the children and eventually identify the culprit, the man who accompanied and instructed the little girl to steal for him.


Twitter: #MAGA #KeepAmericaGreat! #Houston #TheftPackage #ExploitingaChildforCrime #CrimeNews

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3 Comment/s
Mieszko No. 24699 2018-05-01 : 07:20

>He's a nigger

Why, of course.


Anonymous No. 24724 2018-05-01 : 15:20

Where were all these cameras during the Austin bombing weeks??

Gnatzee No. 24734 2018-05-01 : 18:50

Good man, and a good father?

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha okay.

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