By: Kyle James | 05-04-2018 | News
Photo credit: @bigleaguepol | Twitter

Soros Smartphone App Lets Illegals Escape ICE

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The billionaire investor George Soros is said to be behind a new smartphone app to help illegal aliens void capture by federal immigration authorities. The group that is building the app which is called Notifica, or Notify in English, is United We Dream and was founded by an organization that gets funding from U.S. taxpayers.

Related coverage: <a href="">Soros-Funded AntiFa Plans Attack on Christian Pro-Life Event via Facebook</a>

So ironically enough, it is U.S. taxpayer money that is helping illegal aliens avoid capture by the federal government which our tax dollars are also funding. This is just another example of the boondoggling that is going on in cities where leftist lobbyist groups face no resistance and get away with things like this at the cost of the average tax paying American. Judicial Watch Director of Research Chris Farrell said, "This app is pretty outrageous. It provides notice to their friends and family, it alerts their attorney." The app can automatically alert family members or lawyers if the phone's owner has an encounter with immigration enforcement authorities.

Farrell pointed out that Trump's Justice Department has been more than willing to go after illegal internet activities but wondered why officials haven't gone after the app which is being developed by a Soros-funded group which also received money from taxpayers. A Times report noted, "Smartphone applications to deal with arrests by immigration agents are evolving in an era of increased enforcement on the southern border, as well as inside the country."

Related coverage: <a href="">ICE Rounds Up 60 Illegals (Most Convicted Felons) in New Jersey</a>

Illegal immigrants have become increasingly emboldened by such new apps as we are seeing with the caravan that traveled to the border and has been entering illegally. It is time to call for an investigation into apps that help felons evade authorities instead of warning them. United We Dream is a project of the National Immigration Law Center and the group's goal is the "full integration of all immigrants into U.S. society."

Judicial Watch also found:

<i>"In fact, both nonprofits list OSF as a key financial backer. In the United States Soros groups have pushed a radical agenda that includes promoting an open border with Mexico and fighting immigration enforcement efforts, fomenting racial disharmony by funding anti-capitalist black separationist organizations, financing the Black Lives Matter movement and other groups involved in the Ferguson Missouri riots, weakening the integrity of the nation’s electoral systems, opposing U.S. counterterrorism efforts and eroding 2nd Amendment protections."</i>

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