Reports are spreading that former Democratic Secretary of State Mr John Kerry secretly met with the leaders of the Iranian regime to try and salvage the nuclear deal, in order to sustain former President Obama’s legacy which is crumbling with the dismantling of Obamacare, a solution in the works both for Syria and North Korea, unemployment amongst African-Americans at an all-time low and support for Trump rising ever higher.
Now that even most of the major European powers have relented their rebellion against US President Donald Trump which was their makeshift opening to all foreign affairs deals in his first year in office, the group surrounding former President Obama seems keen on salvaging the Iran nuclear deal, the foreign affairs legacy of the former Democratic White House.
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The deal, which came about after several marathon sessions of negotiating with Iran and six world powers and was finally signed in Vienna in 2015, foresaw in the lifting of sanctions for the Iranian Ayatollah’s regime in return for them stopping their pursuit of nuclear weapons.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Is Kerry violating the Logan Act? Don’t inquiring Democrat minds want to know? <a href=""></a></p>— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) <a href="">May 5, 2018</a></blockquote>
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But now, with US President Donald Trump due to decide by May 12th whether or not he wishes to undersign an extension, the major actors of that time seem keen on finding a suitable addendum to present to the US President before the clock runs out.
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In order to do so, former Secretary of State Mr John Kerry secretly met with the leaders of Iran, Germany, the European Union and France in the past month.
Commenting, Mr Michael O’Hanlon, a foreign policy expert at the Brookings Institution, said: “It is unusual for a former secretary of state to engage in foreign policy like this, as an actual diplomat and quasi-negotiator.”
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="">#BREAKING</a>: John Kerry has secretly met with a top-ranking Iranian official multiple times to try to save the Iran deal & to look for ways to "apply pressure on the Trump admin from the outside." - Boston Globe<br><br>Democrats are literally working with America's enemies to stop Trump.</p>— Ryan Saavedra 🇺🇸 (@RealSaavedra) <a href="">May 4, 2018</a></blockquote>
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“Of course, former secretaries of state often remain quite engaged with foreign leaders, as they should, but it’s rarely so issue-specific, especially when they have just left office.”
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Maybe Iran will funnel back few 100 million to the Liberals for 2018 mid terms and 2020 and their pockets.