Two people died and 14 passengers were injured when a freight train and a passenger train collided in the southern German state of Bavaria. Police are still investigating what could have caused the crash on the line between Ingolstadt and Augsburg but for the moment all points to human error.
The accident happened around 9.30pm Monday evening. The police declared that the two people killed were a train driver and a passenger.
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Bavarian train accidents have been happening at regular intervals as of late so authorities are keen to find out what went wrong. So far, indications are that neither train appeared to have derailed in the minutes leading up to the accident.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="de" dir="ltr"><a href="">#Zugunfall</a>: Der 30-jährige Pkw-Lenker ist schwer verletzt. Die 27-jährige Beifahrerin und die 25-jährige Mitfahrerin sind in Lebensgefahr. Alle drei stammen aus dem Bezirk Weiz.</p>— Polizei Steiermark (@PolizeiStmk) <a href="">May 8, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Investigators at the scene are currently trying to establish how fast each train was traveling when it crashed into the other and if all the signal lights on the track functioned as they should.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">2 dead, 14 injured as trains collide in Bavaria <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>— The Local Germany (@TheLocalGermany) <a href="">May 8, 2018</a></blockquote>
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In fact, the events were already the second of two serious train accidents in Bavaria that day. Earlier that afternoon a train had hit a car at a crossing in the town of Seeshaupt, on Lake Starnberg.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="de" dir="ltr">Gleich zwei Unfälle mit Bahnen ereignen sich am Montag in Bayern. Vier Menschen kommen dabei ums Leben. Erst stoßen ein Auto und ein Zug bei <a href="">#Seeshaupt</a> zusammen - am Abend dann zwei Züge bei <a href="">#Aichach</a>. <a href=""></a></p>— Tagesspiegel (@Tagesspiegel) <a href="">May 7, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Furthermore, the collision of yesterday evening which led to a loss of life brought back memories of another horrific train crash from 2016 which left 9 dead and 80 injured in the same area.
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