By: Steve Dellar | 05-13-2018 | News
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Australia – Grandfather Suspected In Country’s Worst Mass Shooting For Decades

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Police confirmed that their working theory at this moment is that the seven dead family members found on a farm in Osmington, including a mother and her four autistic children, were all shot to death by their grandfather in what is the worst mass shooting in 22 years for the country.

61 year old Peter Miles most likely killed his wife Cynda Miles, 58, their daughter, Katrina Miles, 35, and her four kids Taye, 13, Rylan, 12, Ayre, 10, and Kayden, 8, before turning the gun on himself.

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The grieving father of the four children, Mr Aaron Cockman, who was estranged from his wife, stated that the grandfather probably had this planned a long time. In his first public comments since the mass murder, Mr Cockman stated: "Peter didn't snap."

"I think he's thought this through. I think he's been thinking this through for a long time."

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">There, in the main house and a converted shed, they discovered the victims, who the police identified on Saturday as Cynda and Peter Miles; their daughter, Katrina Miles; and her four children, two boys and two girls, aged 8 to 13. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Bama Carry (@BamaCarry) <a href="">May 12, 2018</a></blockquote>

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Even though police investigators did not go as far as confirming Mr Cockman’s theory, they did admit that they were not looking for any additional suspects at this time. Western Australia Police Commissioner Mr Chris Dawson told reporters: “I will confirm all seven deceased suffered gunshot wounds. We are treating this as a matter in which clearly six persons are the subject of a homicide crime scene.”

“There is a seventh person deceased. It’s far too premature for me to come to any conclusive statement about that.”

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Murder-suicide suspect sounded vague day before the worst mass shooting in Australia for 22 years <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; The Sun (@TheSun) <a href="">May 12, 2018</a></blockquote>

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According to Mr Dawson, police received an emergency call from a man at the property at 5.15 am that morning.

“We know where the call was made from. We know whose phone it was made from. I’ve listened to the message. I’ve been briefed by the homicide officers. While we’ve come to some preliminary conclusions . . . I’m not going to speculate as to the chronology.”


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