Justice is coming for two would-be gangbangers in the murder of a Forrest City, Arkansas Police Department Officer, and a soon-to-be West Memphis, Tennessee Police Officer Oliver Johnson Jr., after the thugs were arrested for his atrocious shooting death.
<img src="https://media.8ch.net/file_store/3971fa6adcda6ed6512e9e20de33ba272ea4795dd3a14a54982d0d317ef88d23.jpg" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">
<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Now-deceased Officer Oliver Johnson of the Forrest City Police Department, father of two young daughters. Rest in peace. Credit: <a href="https://www.themaven.net/bluelivesmatter/fallen-heroes/hero-down-forrest-city-police-officer-oliver-johnson-jr-murdered-UFkPEqx08EGAw-eYpmo5fQ/?full=1"> The Maven </a></span>
According to the Forrest City Police Department, Officer Oliver Johnson Jr., a 25-year-old up and coming policeman in the agency, was sitting inside of his home in West Memphis when a stray bullet from a gang shooting tore through the Meadow Apartments on South Avalon Street, fatally striking him.
In a hail of gunfire, over forty bullets were fired from the weapons of the criminal gangbangers in their dispute, with zero regards for any innocent human life around them.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">TRAGIC.<br><br>Saturday shift kicks off with Forrest City PD officer shot and killed inside his West Memphis home. Working to learn more about what happened. <a href="https://t.co/evzl4DEdOB">pic.twitter.com/evzl4DEdOB</a></p>— Tony Atkins (@TonyAtkinsFOX13) <a href="https://twitter.com/TonyAtkinsFOX13/status/990328834389168128?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 28, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Investigators located a total of four bullet holes in a window of Officer Johnson’s apartment, and dozens on the outside of the building and on cars in the parking lot, all of which helped in corroborating witness statements that a gun battle between the rival gangs occurred outside on that fateful Saturday of April 28th.
Johnson is a father of two daughters, one of whom lived in the apartment with him, one of whom lives with her mother, but both were inside of the apartment on the day of the shooting, and now are without a father. Their dad was taken from them without reason.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">You can see bullet holes inside of the apartment where Forrest City Officer Oliver Johnson was shot and killed in a drive-by in West Memphis. Family members tell me he has two daughters and a fiancé. <a href="https://twitter.com/3onyourside?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@3onyourside</a> <a href="https://t.co/wc58WKwRGh">pic.twitter.com/wc58WKwRGh</a></p>— Symone Woolridge (@SymoneTV) <a href="https://twitter.com/SymoneTV/status/990370516220481538?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 28, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Those close to Johnson also stated that he was engaged to be married this year and that his fiancé is now left without the love of her life as a result of this heinous crime.
A hardworking, loving, and brave father, as well as soon-to-be husband, is no longer on this earth because of the vile nature of two worthless animals who have zero compassion for human life.
<div style="width:100%;text-align:center;margin:0 auto;"><iframe width="360" height="202" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/C_aCzLRsjI4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>
A relative of Johnson, Portia Weatherspoon said of the officer that he was "a great young man. He had a whole life ahead of him. I mean this guy was just sitting in his room and heard shots and got up and was shot. It's unbelievable.”
Detectives were left with only the statements of those within the vicinity of the shooting to target suspects until they received a break this past weekend on the two men responsible.
25-year-old Demarcus Parker and 22-year-old George Henderson were each apprehended for the homicide of Officer Johnson shortly after investigators discovered their identities.
<img src="https://media.8ch.net/file_store/11011d2682d524c1becb5544f9a9b059b1f085bbdc81eb4694c54bc78e162a11.jpg" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">
<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Two murderous thugs, and sorry excuses for human life, 25-year-old Demarcus Parker, and 22-year-old George Henderson. Credit: <a href="https://www.themaven.net/bluelivesmatter/news/two-arrested-for-murder-of-forrest-city-police-officer-oliver-johnson-fUdR-XFl6kqf_oGMRIpNEQ/?full=1"> West Memphis Police. </a></span>
"Mr. Parker has been one of those chronically that is just chronically in and around numerous shootings in West Memphis, with active involvement in gang activity," West Memphis Police Department Captain Joe Baker said.
Each of the men is known to authorities as being involved in gang activity, and now as a result of their disputes, two children no longer have a loving father to watch them grow.
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Let that sink in for a moment.
Here's a man who laces up his boots and uniform every day in order to risk his life to protect and serve the general public only to have it ripped from you by a gang of worthless thugs fighting over nonexistent territory in a free country.
That's the sad reality about the inner-cities of America and the inability to contain the uneducated youth which not only heavily populates the communities but as a result spills over into the lives of innocent people.
As Barack Obama's legacy shows, for eight years this type of reckless nature was allowed to run freely without law and order or any intervention from the previous Administration to assist in the nation's worst crime-ridden areas.
Law enforcement agencies were targeted and wrongfully labeled as “bigoted,” or accused of “profiling” for preventing crimes from these types of individuals.
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The reality is, most of the criminal underworld such as the men responsible for this shooting grew up in single-parent households, or without parents at all.
They were never taught values or respect, nor did they face the harsh discipline they needed to instill those values into their lives.
More often than not, they end up involved in a life-changing crime which incarcerates them for decades, and the rough and tumble prison sentence helps to mature them and realize their own mistakes.
This is why forcing young criminals and inmates into labor camps or educational training programs is so important, to help them to rehabilitate their lives before they've gone off the deep end with a crime like this.
It's too late now for Parker and Henderson, but this story should resonate with the people of all inner city communities, who witness tragedies and atrocities such as this occur on a daily basis.
Authorities say that Parker was the driver of the car in which Henderson was riding in at the time of the shooting after the pair spotted rival gangbangers near the apartment complex and a feud between them led to gunfire.
“They were definitely in the persons of interest list from the get-go,” Captain Baker said of the two criminals. “Lots of man hours, in this case, running down hundreds of leads. It's been a busy couple of days.”
A regional manhunt ensued after the shooting, as would happen in any situation where a fellow officer is shot or killed, as police vigorously act to defend their brothers in blue to bring justice to those who would do them harm.
“There were lots of people who came forward, provided information, just thought this crime was really atrocious and wanted to help any way they could,” Captain Baker said. “This man was an absolutely just a true victim. He was a police officer, but what I think speaks more loudly to him as a person was everyone we talked to said that he was a great father, working hard to better himself.’”
Now Officer Johnson will never get the chance to watch his two girls bloom into beautiful people, and they'll never get to see their brave father again.
Forrest City Police Lieutenant Eric Varner said that Johnson had just been offered a position on the West Memphis Police Department’s force, and was soon to head into the community to try and restore justice to the crime-infested streets of the urbanized city.
“He always talked about going back to West Memphis. That's where his heart was at,” Lt. Varner added.
The two men responsible will now face trial for the death of Officer Johnson, as law enforcement agencies are still seeking information on the rival gang present during the shoot-out.
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Friends and family speak highly of Officer Johnson, a good man who just wanted to make life better for the people around his hometown.
Many police officers like Johnson join the force to help the communities they grew up in, and Johnson was one of those cops.
Hopefully, swift justice comes to these two terrible animals responsible for this heinous crime, as we give thanks to Officer Johnson and all men and women who put their lives on the line every day so that we can live a safer life.
Thank you for your service, Officer Johnson, and we send our thoughts and prayers to your family and friends as they remember your valiant life.
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<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;"><b>The Goldwater</b></span>
Diversity means look the other way when a so called minority (person of color, lgbtqrxtv, or religious affiliation) commits crimes. Hopefully those days are nearing an end??
But Obama said we can't judge the behavior of Blacks because we do not know what they have been through. He also had no problem with Blacks shooting cops even Black Cops because they are probably Oreos (Black on the outside but white on the inside). Plus they look like they could be Obama's sons too.
No rehabilitation. Just extermination. They don't deserve to stay alive.
Three mistakes in first paragraph. The town is spelled Forrest City. Forrest City is in Arkansas, not Arizona. West Memphis is in Arkansas, not Tennessee. Nice work.