By: Savannah Smith | 05-19-2018 | News
Photo credit: University of Akron

Ohio - University Stops Male Tech Prof’s Grade Fix to Privilege Female Students

In his earnest pursuit to push his “women’s agenda” or to privilege women-students over the rest, a professor was rebuked by University of Akron officials this week. The university blocked the professor’s plan to give female students higher grades than what they have earned simply for being women, and supposedly to boost a “national movement” to encourage female students to go to information sciences.”

University officials obtained a copy of the email information systems analysis and design teacher Liping Liu sent to her students, and it read in part: “FYI, your grade has been sent to the university registrar. The following categories of students may see their grades raised one level or two: Female students ( it is a national movement to encourage female students to go to information sciences.)”

Liu added other beneficiaries to the “raise-the-grade-promo” but it’s basically the special privilege being offered to female students that drew the attention and disapproval of school officials.

University provost and executive vice president Rex Ramsier explained in a statement why they are objecting to Liu’s plan. Part of the statement read: “While the professor’s stated intention of encouraging female students to go into the information sciences field may be laudable, his approach as described in his email was clearly unacceptable.”

The statement also emphasized that the University of Akron follows “both the law and its policies and does not discriminate on the basis of sex.”

The university also said that Liu has been advised accordingly and that “he has reaffirmed his commitment to adhering to these strict standards.”

Various students have also expressed their disagreement with Liu’s plans and perspectives, with some agreeing that the university certainly need more women in the STEM fields, but Liu’s approach in encouraging them is the wrong one.

Nine female students are majoring in information systems at the University of Akron in the Spring 2018 semester.


Twitter: #MAGA #KeepAmericaGreat! #Ohio #UniversityofAkron #FeministProfPrivilegingFemaleStudents #MeritNot Privilege #InformationSciences

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Anonymous No. 26520 2018-05-19 : 15:45

Someone need to investigate this teachers thought process from a whole different angle.

Raz No. 26538 2018-05-19 : 19:00

I worked twice as hard back in the day to stay even with the guys at college. I didn't ask for a cheat, I just asked for a chance. To do this would've made it a cheat, a fraud and cheapen anything these women did in the future because they didn't earn it.

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