By: Red Pill | 05-24-2018 | News
Photo credit: WAMU

Mike Pompeo Snaps On Democrat Who Tried Baiting Him Into Trashing Trump

New Secretary of State for the Trump Administration - Mike Pompeo - is having none of the Democratic Party’s low-class personal attacks - and on Thursday he snapped on Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee in what's certain to be a moment for the history books.

Secretary Pompeo was present for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing to answer questions from both sides of the aisle, when Senator Udall took a jab at the President of the United States of America, suggesting that Trump could somehow have a “conflict of interest” based upon his business dealings and the Administration’s foreign policy, and Mike Pompeo lost it.

President Trump is a man who donates his salary, refuses to take a single dollar from the taxpayers, and most recently gave his entire first-quarter paycheck to the Department of Veterans Affairs.

That hasn't stopped the vile and utterly despicable Democrats from believing the complete nonsense in their heads that President Trump is somehow interested in profiteering for himself, an outright ignorant accusation that every fact stands against.

This is a man of honor, who does nothing but give back to America, and the lowly Democrats have no respect whatsoever or even attempt to pay attention to the facts, and Mike Pompeo is the guy to let them know just how pathetic they are.

Take a look at the CNN coverage below from Wolf Blitzer, and listen to his desire to spin the hearing into an attack on the President versus what was actually said by Secretary Pompeo:

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“Given that the President refuses to disclose his tax returns,” Senator Udall said. “How can you assure the American people that his foreign policy is free of his personal conflicts of interest.”

“I… Senator, I find that question bizarre,” Secretary Mike Pompeo said.

Senator Udall continues his ignorance, saying, “You don't want to answer it then? You described it as bizarre?”

“Yes I do,” Pompeo fires back. “I think that's indicative of my answer, Senator. I've been incredibly involved in this Administration's foreign policy now, for some sixteen months, and I have seen <i>literally no evidence</i> of what you are scurrilously, scurrilously suggesting.”

President Trump's Administration has had one of the most successful foreign policies for the American people of any President in modern-American history, and quite frankly, what Senator Udall was suggesting is both a slap into the faces of the countless hundreds of men and women working under the President towards an “America First” policy, and a direct attack upon the victories for the American people that we've seen under President Trump.

It's disgusting. Honestly.

“It is an outrageous suggestion,” Secretary Pompeo continued.

“No, no it's not scurrilously,” Senator Udall added. “This has been raised by a number of people.”

“Haha…” Pompeo laughed. “Yes, sir. Yes, sir. You want me to tell you who those people are?”

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Pompeo blasted back, suggesting that the Democrats and the “destroy Trump” desires of the media would rather insinuate falsehoods than acknowledge the successes of President Trump, which is the absolute truth.

The Democratic Party has lost it. They place their hatred of President Trump, and the fact that they still cannot get over losing the election, ahead of the interests of the people they're elected to represent.

This is the reason the American people are shifting away from the Democrats at a rate never before seen in history.

People are tired of this. The Democrats have no desire to work together cooperatively and benefit Americans, with the Trump Administration single-handedly reversing the worst economic downturn our nation has ever seen.

Just keep winning, Mister President. We the people see through this, and we're fed up with the left as well.

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2 Comment/s
GiGi No. 27016 2018-05-24 : 22:38

I absolutely have a complete hatred for anyone that constantly slams President Trump and the people that support him!! I was taught not to hate but these people have driven me to it!! Patriots have HAD IT with all the ignorance from the liberals!! Their children and grandchildren should be SO ashamed of how evil they are! I feel sorry for their family.

Anonymous No. 27022 2018-05-25 : 00:38

Fight Back, out the Liberals and Socialist that want to bring down the USA.

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