Two people have reportedly lost their lives in South Carolina due to the storm, with Tropical Storm Alberto beginning its landfall in Florida that now marks the first of what is sure to be a long Atlantic hurricane season along America's west coast.
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Alberto has brought with it heavy rains, lightning, and extreme wind gusts that have terrorized the coastline as it rages down upon the state of Florida, soon to spread across Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana in a destructive path that will carry itself into the United States of America over the next week.
The Southeast has been one to dread the torrential power of Alberto and the upcoming hurricane season, which marks the beginning of the summer, and for two people in Polk County, South Carolina; it marked the end of their lives.
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South Carolina State Trooper Rico Stevens said that two people were killed in a traffic-involved incident where a tree fell onto a car along US Highway 176 in Polk County, between Ozone Drive in Saluda and Harmon Field Road in Tyron.
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The power of the storm has torn through the region, uprooting trees, bringing down unbolted structures, and sending small street signs as well as traffic lights collapsing into the streets of nearby cities.
Residents inland are being urged to seek shelter until the storm passes, with mighty winds bringing a danger to people via flying objects.
The Center of Alberto has hit land along Laguna Beach in Florida, with a Tropical Storm Warning being in effect for Calhoun, Central Walton, Coastal Bay, Coffee, Dale, Geneva, Holmes, Inland Bay, Inland Franklin, Inland Gulf, North Walton, South Walton, and Washington; according to the National Weather Service.
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Millions of people are within the path of the storm, as we're sending our condolences to the families of those who lost their lives, and the countless more who are at risk for damage as a result of the incoming storm.
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