||| Miami Herald |||
Police in Pembroke Pines arrested a 14-year-old student Tuesday after he threatened to shoot up his school if it didn't grade his test on a curve. The boy is a freshman at Somerset Academy High and he walked into a teacher's classroom Tuesday to check his score on the Post Education Readiness Test, or PERT. The test is usually administered to students as an alternative for those who don't pass Algebra I End of Course Exam, a requirement for graduation.
The police report from the incident quoted the boy as saying, "They better curve the score or I'll shoot up the school! I'm gonna go beat up people in the office!" The identity of the boy has not been released due to minor laws. The boy's arrest marks the fourth student arrested in South Florida on charges of threatening a school in the last week. Another student, this one at Franklin Academy, was arrested after police say he pointed out students who were on "his list" to be targeted for a school shooting.
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Another teen was arrested Tuesday from Coral Gables Senior High School after making threats against the school while posing as a classmate. The teacher at the school said she was frightened by the student's comments because he was not a student of hers and she didn't know his intentions. The report also states the boy admitted to making the comments but says he was only angry because he felt his family would be disappointed with him. The incident was immediately reported to the administration who turned over the investigation to police who found the threats to be non-credible.
The father of the student said his son was upset and called the incident "a stupid thing" and claimed the report was falsified to "make it sound bad." He also said his son talks quickly and said he would "sue" the school not "shoot" up the school. The father added, "There was no threat at all, it was just a stupid misunderstanding."
The student has been charged with making a false threat about planting a bomb, explosive or weapon of mass destruction, a second-degree felony, and conspiring to disrupt the education process, a second-degree misdemeanor.
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Source: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/education/article212184989.html
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Wouldn't read too much into this. Kids his age generally do nonsensical stuff like this. Unless he has a history of violence he should be let off with a reprimand and kept under observation. One wrong step can fuck this kid's life.