A sheriff's deputy in Richmond, Virginia has been arrested and charged with having sex with male inmates. WTVR.com reported that 29-year-old Mathew Eli Mellerson is a deputy and also the chaplain at the Richmond Justice Center.
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Thursday, Mellerson was indicted by a grand jury on six counts of carnal knowledge of an inmate and two counts of sexually abusing an inmate. The incidents are alleged to have taken place on Sunday, September 17 and Saturday, September 23, 2017.
Court documents revealed all of the inmate victims were males and Mellerson is on leave pending the outcome of the charges against him.
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People forget because the word gay which means happy has been co-opted in gay sex. We used to call it buggery. It involves blood and feces and it not even a little bit sanitary procedures can be involved with this dirty little event.
So those folks that are involved in the poopy event of having gay sex. That is penetrating a man's asshole with the penis of another man, or the same folks that are cooking for you. Serving your yummy breakfasts at the hip homo cafes. The ones that win the fecal awards. Enjoy your next meal at the cafe run by happy men.
I mean if they really disinfect themselves afterwords, probably its alright if they cook for you, but not for me. I wiped my butt before and got some poop on my fingers. It was hard to get that smell off. I washed for quite some time, and it was still a bit poopy smelling. Hey, smell my fingers, and eat my chopped raw carrots.
He was just servicing his flock. Leave him alone. The lords work is done in mysterious ways.
Another nut crackin doo doo packin Hershey highway Sweet Ole Boy
All whites must pay slavery reparations. Let's repeat this to ourselves 5 times:
All whites must pay slavery reparations.
All whites must pay slavery reparations.
All whites must pay slavery reparations.
All whites must pay slavery reparations.
All whites must pay slavery reparations.
super gross!