GOP Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) has written a newly published Op-Ed where he refers to President Trump's SCOTUS pick with the terms “she” and “her,” giving credence to the fact that President Trump will be naming a female to the Supreme Court Of The United States as the replacement Justice for retiring Anthony Kennedy.
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The pick isn't a surprise, considering<a href=""> The Goldwater published a list of the presumed final four candidates </a>to become the next Justice, and female Judge Amy Coney Barrett of the Seventh Circuit Court was in that top four presumed nominees, which we will come back to later.
<a href="">Senator Hatch wrote in the Desert News </a>that he believes the timeless nature of the Supreme Court, and Justice Kennedy’s admirable career, is an important choice for President Trump, as it is.
Hatch is both the longest-serving member of the Senate Judiciary Committee and the former Chairman, making his expertise in legal pursuits one to be respected and admired.
In his writing, Hatch exposed the Democratic Party’s desire to engage in character assassination of political appointees and was quite blunt as to his stance on their propositions in the current era.
Utah Senator Orrin Hatch writes:
<blockquote>”As the former chairman and the longest-serving member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I have fought on the frontlines of the most contentious confirmation battles of modern times. I have participated in the confirmation of half of all federal judges who have ever served, not to mention the confirmation of every sitting member of the Supreme Court. In that time, I have witnessed the rapid deterioration of the judicial nomination process as Democrats have stooped to new lows in a radical effort to redefine the Constitution and politicize our courts.”</blockquote>
<blockquote>”The politicization of judicial confirmations began with the character assassination of Judge Robert Bork more than 30 years ago. Here was a preeminently qualified nominee: a Yale Law professor with sterling academic credentials and a distinguished record on the federal bench. In his commitment to putting the law before politics, Judge Bork embodied everything the Founders would have wanted in a Supreme Court justice — which is exactly why Democrats opposed him.”</blockquote>
<blockquote>”They knew that Judge Bork would interpret the Constitution as written instead of twisting its meaning to fit the demands of a progressive agenda. Remarkably, Democrats went a step further in not only voting against Judge Bork’s nomination but openly slandering him on the Senate floor, doing irreparable damage to the reputation of one of the most talented jurists of the last century.”</blockquote>
<blockquote>Thus the first shots were fired in what became known as the Confirmation Wars.”</blockquote>
Hatch is spot-on in his recognition of what today's appointment process reflects upon the “slandering” and “irreparable damages” to those nominated by Republicans from the radical left wing of the Democratic Party, and how it cares not for the sanctity of our nation.
“Democrats dream of packing our courts with activist judges who act less as impartial arbiters of the law and more as super-legislators: men and women who not only interpret the Constitution but actively work to change its meaning through their opinions,” Senator Hatch said.
“Given their vision of a politicized judiciary, we should not be surprised when Democrats cry bloody murder at the announcement of the president’s Supreme Court nominee,” Senator Hatch added, emphasizing on the brutality of the upcoming confirmation hearings. “The coming meltdown on the left is sure to be as sensational as it is predictable.”
“Just as he did with Neil Gorsuch, the president has promised to nominate an impartial judge, a wise and seasoned jurist committed to upholding the Constitution at all costs. But no matter the nominee’s background or credentials, progressives will do everything they can to paint her as a closet partisan, if not an outright extremist,” Senator Hatch stated. “They will press, prod, and pry to unearth a radical agenda where none is to be found. They will pull out all the stops to accelerate the politicization of the Supreme Court — but they will have to go through me first.”
Ensuring that he will try and do his part to regain decency and respect within the hearings, Hatch said that politics should not be used during confirmation hearings, for any reason.
Senator Hatch writes the following:
<blockquote>”For my part, I will do everything in my power to keep politics out of the confirmation process. As the senior member of the Judiciary Committee, I will fight to keep jurisprudence as the sole focus of our confirmation hearings. And I will devote all my energies to ensuring that we confirm the kind of Supreme Court justice America needs: a justice who says what the law is, not what she wants it to be; a justice who calls balls and strikes instead of swinging for the fences; a justice whose foremost allegiance is to the American people and to the Constitution.”</blockquote>
<blockquote>”Too much is at stake to allow politics to corrupt the Supreme Court confirmation process. That’s why in the coming weeks, I will lift heaven and earth to see the president’s nominee across the finish line.”</blockquote>
The notable parts of Senator Orrin Hatch’s writing, however, are the pronouns of <b>”her”</b> and <b>”she”</b>, which suggest that the choice is indeed a female, and more prominently, that it will be Judge Amy Barrett, based upon her being considered as the frontrunner.
"Just as he did with Neil Gorsuch, the president has promised to nominate an impartial judge, a wise and seasoned jurist committed to upholding the Constitution at all costs," Hatch wrote. "But no matter the nominee's background or credentials, progressives will do everything they can to paint <b>her</b> as a closet partisan, if not an outright extremist."
Again, “progressives will do everything they can to paint <b>her</b> as a closet partisan,” a very important phrase that all should take note of.
As we said earlier, Senator Hatch again would refer to the word ”she” in his closing statement.
“And I will devote all my energies to ensuring that we confirm the kind of Supreme Court justice America needs: a justice who says what the law is, not what <b>she</b> wants it to be; a justice who calls balls and strikes instead of swinging for the fences; a justice whose foremost allegiance is to the American people and to the Constitution,” Senator Hatch said.
The sentence, “a justice who says what the law is, not what <b>she</b> wants it to be,” is quite telling.
Hatch is again correct when he refers to “a justice whose foremost allegiance is to the American people and the Constitution,” which is exactly what Judge, and apparently, <i>soon to be</i> Justice Barrett, will be.
Remember, there's a chance President Trump leans forward with an off-the-wall or unexpected choice, but if I were a gambler, <i>I'd put my life's savings on Justice Barrett</i> right about now.
Let's talk more about Judge Barrett and her life.
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Amy Vivian Coney Barrett, born in 1972, making her only 46-years-old, is a United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.
She was previously a professor of law at Notre Dame Law School and the John M. Olin Fellow in Law at George Washington University Law School, and her credentials are enormous.
She has already previously met with both President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, as well as having a previous and prestigious Supreme Court clerkship with Justice Antonin Scalia.
Scalia is worshipped among the Conservative circuit and is considered to this day to be one of the brightest minds to have ever sat on SCOTUS, <i>despite the mysteries surrounding his untimely death.</i>
After her clerkship with Scalia, Barrett joined the Washington, DC law offices of Miller, Cassidy, Larocca & Lewin LLP, which later merged into Baker Botts LLP.
During her tenure at Baker, Barrett was a part of the legal team representing then-Governor George W. Bush in Bush v. Gore after the controversial 2000 elections, which resulted in the first-ever SCOTUS decision to decide the fate of the Presidency.
As an attorney working at Baker, Barrett would become a faculty member at the George Washington University Law School, co-teaching a class with fellow Baker attorney John Elwood, considered one of the most distinguished Supreme Court practitioners in American history.
After obtaining a vast knowledge of Conservative idealism and experiences working beside Elwood, Barrett went on to join the Law School as a John H. Olin Fellow in Law.
Then, in 2002, Barrett would become a Professor of Law at Notre Dame Law School, her alma mater, in another prestigious role at one of the nation's most successful universities.
Barrett also held a short tenure as a Visiting Associate Professor of Law at the University of Virginia, but Barrett has served at the University of Notre Dame since 2002, where she's considered one of the most-respected legal minds in the nation, a personification of brilliance in teaching in and of itself.
In February of 2017, Barrett would receive the honor of entering the political realm yet again, after she was contacted by the Office of Senator Todd Young (R-IN).
Senator Young asked about her interest in taking on a role with the Seventh Circuit Court as a Judge, with a new opening appearing that would change the direction of her career forever.
Always seeking excellence, Barrett completed a formal application before she met with the Senator face-to-face, along with the White House and the Department of Justice.
During those meetings she was able to come to terms with the Trump Presidency’s desire to reform the legal system in America, corrupted over decades of Marxist Democratic control, and had found her calling as a fighter for Republican and traditional values.
On May 8th, President Trump formally nominated Barrett to the Seventh Circuit, where she's served honorably since, receiving both academic praise and admiration in her Judgeship from across the nation, with some of the nation's leading legal minds honoring her with an extraordinary recommendation.
This is how she's come to be noticed further from within the White House and has since been considered as Trump's first-choice for the last year if he were ever to be given a chance to appoint another Justice to the Supreme Court Of The United States.
President Trump has the chance to appoint a second Supreme Court Justice in less than two years in office, a choice which will have implications for generations to come in making some of the nation's toughest decisions on embattled court cases.
This historic opportunity is one that not every President is blessed with forming, but for Donald J. Trump; he's had this chance twice now.
From what our sources within halls of the White House are telling us, the selection process has required what President Trump calls extreme vetting, where he's taken the opinions of some of the nation's most brilliant legal minds and discussed topics of interest to the Conservative base, and how limited his choices down to four candidates to become the next Justice on the Supreme Court Of The United States (SCOTUS).
Now, with Senator Hatch confirming the pick will be female, there is little doubt that Judge Barrett will receive the honor of being the first female appointment by President Trump to the Supreme Court, <i>if Hatch’s beliefs are true</i>, which most seem to believe are accurate.
Will the Democratic Party stonewall this decision? Absolutely, some will try.
Judge Amy Barrett is fitting for the robes of the Supreme Court Justice, and she would make a great run throughout the halls of the Supreme Court.
With another female aboard SCOTUS, it should remind the delusional Justice Ginsburg that it is beyond time for her to retire, considering she's been filmed on several occasions falling asleep in public.
The refreshing youth of Trump's SCOTUS picks, after Neil Gorsuch and his successes, is admirable and will prosper for decades to come.
If Judge Barrett takes the place of the often-critiqued Justice Kennedy, it gives SCOTUS a push to the hard-right, in line with the views of the American public, who are beyond fed up with the Communist agenda of the Democratic Party’s liberal elites, and the trampling upon our nation's patriotism and honor which make this country great.
Congratulations to Anthony Kennedy on his life's mission towards bringing SCOTUS in the direction he felt was necessary, even if I disagree with some of his decisions that were liberal leaning.
More importantly, <i>thank you, Anthony Kennedy, for allowing President Trump to replace your seat</i> with a much further-right leaning Judge, one who will “Keep America Great” for decades into our grandchildren’s future.
Liberals fear Amy Coney Barrett, since as a nominee, she once called Roe v. Wade an “Erroneous Decision,” sticking fear into their minds about ending the murder of unborn children.
Let's make their fear a reality.
<strong><span style="color:red;">Judge Amy Coney Barrett will be the next Justice of the Supreme Court Of The United States of America.</span></strong>
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