24-year-old Vivien K. survived a knife attack outside a Hannover supermarket in March of this year, carried out by 17-year-old refugee Abdullah A. The young Syrian is accused of attempted manslaughter.
Miss Vivien K and her boyfriend had gotten into an argument with two Syrian boys, aged 13 and 14, in a supermarket in the small town of Burgwedel near Hannover in March of this year.
The pair met the teens again on their way home, at which point they had been joined by a 17-year-old brother and the argument between the woman's 25-year-old friend and the Syrians escalated.
Related coverage: <a href="http://thegoldwater.com/news/34316-Switzerland-Muslim-Couple-Citizenship-Cancelled-After-Refusal-To-Shake-Lausanne-Mayor-s-Hand"> Switzerland – Muslim Couple Citizenship Cancelled After Refusal To Shake Lausanne Mayor’s Hand</a>.
The 17-year-old then stabbed the 24-year-old German woman and left the 10-centimeter blade in her body.
It broke her ribs, injured her liver, stomach, and kidney. Ms Vivien K. lay in a coma for several weeks as her spleen and parts of the pancreas were removed.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="de" dir="ltr">„In meiner Kultur darf man töten“ - <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Messer?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Messer</a>-Opfer geschockt von Täter-Geständnis <a href="https://t.co/ppAnQJii0D">https://t.co/ppAnQJii0D</a></p>— BILD Hannover (@BILD_Hannover) <a href="https://twitter.com/BILD_Hannover/status/1032138224339021824?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 22, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Half a year after the terrible knife attack she encountered the teenager who almost killed her again during a closed trial, accompanied by her boyfriend and her grandparents. The German woman was tense, nervous, but determined: "I want to look him in the eye."
Young Abdullah A., who refers to himself as a "model refugee" submitted a written statement to his lawyer which was handed to the judge at the trial. It read: "The accused knows from his culture that conflicts are resolved with a knife. He describes the regional customs as follows: If one insults, one may stab. In severe cases, one may kill the person, " and then goes on to declare " he states that his behavior was not objectionable to his religious requirements and does not understand why he must be detained. "
Related coverage: <a href="http://thegoldwater.com/news/34773-Germany-Iranian-Immigrant-Stabbed-German-Woman-Because-She-Rejected-Him">Germany - Iranian Immigrant Stabbed German Woman Because She Rejected Him</a>.
“The accused submitted that in his culture you are allowed to kill.”
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="de" dir="ltr">🌏 Prozess in Hannover: Syrischer „Musterflüchtling“ (17) stach 24-jährige Verkäuferin in Burgwedel nieder: Ein Streit mit jugendlichen Syrern endet für ein junges Pärchen katastrophal und für die junge Vivien fast tödlich. Doch der junge… <a href="https://t.co/xZLCvY9mTe">https://t.co/xZLCvY9mTe</a> ET <a href="https://t.co/LEl9iXn4TT">pic.twitter.com/LEl9iXn4TT</a></p>— Wirtschaft & Politik❌ (@WirtschaftDE) <a href="https://twitter.com/WirtschaftDE/status/1032248045012840449?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 22, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Knife crimes are spiking in Germany. Police report in all 16 states that the number of attacks are on the rise.
Germany has regional elections in October.
Twitter: #FelizJueves #GCSE #ThursdayThoughts #BobiWine #MAGA #QAnon
Lock these animals up and throw away the key