Police have confirmed the arrest of a third suspect in the violent robbery outside a bank where two men left a woman in a critical condition after taking her bag containing $75,000.
The shocking broad daylight robbery was caught on video.
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Arrested is bank employee Shelby Taylor Wyse whom authorities suspect is in cahoots with the violent robbers. Wyse was working Houston, Texas bank on the same day, hour and moment the victim withdrew the money to take care of some business on August 17.
Harris County Constable Precinct 4 officers said surveillance footage from inside the bank showed Wyse closely watching the victim make the large withdrawal. Wyse was next seen on the video sending a text message on her phone, which police presume was to at least one of the other suspects.
Police said they have already determined that Wyse has “direct ties to one of the suspects already under arrest for this violent robbery.” She is in custody at the Harris County Jail charged with second-degree felony robbery.
The woman whom Wyse witnessed withdrawing money was violently attacked later that same day. The police released a separate video showing the woman desperately clinging on to her purse while she is horrifically dragged along the ground and violently kicked and punched by the two black suspects. They then ran over the victim with their car.
The video also showed the woman’s husband, who came from a nearby building, trying to help her during the tussle. One of the suspects tackled, punched and forced him to the ground.
The men succeeded in their vile intention of stealing the $75,000. The suspects were later identified as Davis Dowell Mitchell and Travonn Johnson. The victim remains in hospital in a critical condition.
Constable Deputy, who was on patrol nearby, arrested Mitchell. Mitchell has since been charged with aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon. Johnson later turned himself to the police and was charged with the same offense.
Harris County Constable Precinct 4, Constable Mark Herman, said in a statement: “All the pieces to this investigation are falling into place and we anticipate filing more criminal charges on others we believe to be involved. No one will escape justice on this matter."
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In Texas, and they were not carrying? It is not logical in today's society for a law-abiding citizen to not have a carry permit, carry on their body at all times, and have proficient training. I'd rather carry for an entire lifetime and never need it, than to need it one time and not have it. Logic.
I hope this bank has deep pockets cause that $75k will easily get a zero added if not 2 after the lawsuit.