A security guard is accused of having sex with a dead body at a hospital he was protecting in Memphis. Police have arrested the deplorable man.
Staff at St. Francis Hospital told responding police officers that they witnessed Camron Wright, a security guard, having sex with the corpse of a woman on Wednesday night. Court documents revealed that the witnesses shared that the disgusting incident took place in the body storage room.
Witnesses to the horrible crime included other security guards.
The hospital held the victim's body in a body storage area as they were preparing to remove organs.
The victim’s father, James Parham could not accept what was done to her daughter’s body. He shared his anguish to local media and said: “What we need is some answers. We need some concrete answers, and somebody held accountable. That is what we need right now. It’s hard enough.”
Police said that Wright was taken to the Felony Response Office where he admitted to the incident in a typed statement. He has been charged with one count of Abuse of Corpse.
The hospital issued a statement regarding the shocking and horrific incident. “Treating those we serve with dignity and respect is our top priority. The behavior of this individual does not represent what our hospital stands for, and these actions are completely unacceptable. We are saddened by this incident, and we are empathetic and sympathetic to the family of the patient.”
“We contract with U.S. Security Associates for our hospital’s security services, and all officers are required to undergo thorough background checks. The security guard involved in this situation has been terminated.”
Even if a background check was carried out by the contractors before hiring the security guard involved, It will not absolve the hospital from accountability.
The victim’s brother said his sister taught kindergarten at Hickory Ridge Elementary School. It is not clear what she died of.
The family has not stated yet whether they will pursue legal action against the hospital where the indignity to their loved one’s body carried out.
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The victim's brother was black, FYI.