In the aftermath of the Parkland High School shooting, Dick's Sporting Goods enforced corporate gun control on itself announcing it would take assault-style rifles off its shelves. The move has led to drastic sales losses prompting the company to remove "hunting products" entirely from certain stores.
One conservative shareholder confronted the company's CEO Edward Stack about the share prices falling after it announced its new gun policy and urged him to reconsider. Vice president of the National Center for Public Policy Research David Almasi brought up that gun sales restrictions were hurting the company but says Stack "dug his heels in."
Related coverage: <a href="">Dick's Sporting Goods Gun Policy Backfires As Stocks And Sales Drop</a>
Almasi was at the shareholder meeting as a representative of the conservative think tank’s Free Enterprise Project. The think tank focuses on free-market investor activism. "They were very unhappy that I was bringing up the fact that their sales have been down ever since they made the decision to do so in late February," Almasi said on Thursday. "Ever since, they’ve been losing money."
Dick's executives previously warned that hunting sales would suffer as a result of their new "woke" gun policies. The company expects sales to fall by 3-4% for the year, a massive drop in sales compared to the 0.3% drop from the previous year. Dick's CEO changed the stores' policy to prohibit the sale of firearms to anyone under the age of 21 and pulled all AR-15 rifles from its shelves.
Related coverage: <a href="">20-Year-Old Sues Dick’s and Walmart for ‘Age Discrimination’ in Selling Guns</a>
Despite the declining sales, Almasi said he was the only one at the meeting who "stood up for gun owners and the right to shareholders who support the idea that a sporting goods store should be selling guns." I hate to bring up the term but it really is the textbook example of "get woke, go broke".
Almasi added, "There’s no way this chain is going to get out of it, and unfortunately, they’re going to have to ride this down. Because they’ve had three earnings calls where they’ve said this has hurt their business. But they’re not going to make any waves changing it."
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Dick's like Sport Authority bowed to the wishes of Liberals and what they earned.
When over 1/2 of your former customers are Camper/Hunters/Hobby shooters it makes no sense to screw yourself and stock holders over.
How Much has that redone AR-15 stunt cost Dicks..
In 2014 they announce a AR-15 Ban, Stock dropped from about 58 to 34.
2 years later they pulled the stunt again and stock dropped from 60 to 24.
Sure sounds like a they should Shut their Mouths on political issues.
They should change their name to dickies and start selling dildos to the queers. Never steeped foot into one since ours opened the same week they pulled “assault style” firearms. I live in a hunting area, we even get lots of city slickers that come up to hunt. But dicks parking lot is always empty.