By: Steve Dellar | 09-08-2018 | News
Photo credit: The Goldwater Mockup

White House Mole - Will Trump Bring In The Lie Detector, Like Reagan In 1983?

Back in September 1983, it had become clear that someone within the White House had been leaking sensitive information about military operations of US personnel in Lebanon to the press.

Furious about the untrustworthiness of his personnel, then President Ronald Reagan toyed with the idea of having his Cabinet members undergo polygraph testing to uncover who had leaked said state secrets.

However, it was Secretary of State George Shultz who put an end to the idea by angrily refusing to submit if such an order was implemented. In effect, he said: “If you can't believe my word, then find someone else for the job.” In the end, President Reagan backed down.

Related coverage: <a href=""> White House - Betting Odds On ‘Resistance’ Identity Published. Who Do You Suspect?</a>.

35 years later, and another Republican President seems to be considering bringing in the polygraph. US President Donald Trump is keen on finding out who the White House Mole is and if a lie detector is no option, he wants to have every cabinet member sign a declaration that they didn’t author the NYT op-ed, so it could be used against them later on if they lied.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Trump Calls on Sessions to Investigate Anonymous NYT Op-Ed Author <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) <a href="">September 7, 2018</a></blockquote>

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By now, the high-level condemnation and denial of authoring the infamous NYT Op-ed has been swift and sound within the administration.

Vice-President Mike Pence stated he was “above such amateur acts,” while Secretary of State Mr Mike Pompeo claimed “not mine.”

“Laughable,” said Treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin, while “patently false” to say it came from him, stated Dan Coats, director of national intelligence.

Commerce secretary Wilbur Ross? “Thoroughly appalled.” Education secretary Betsy DeVos? She “signs her opinions.”

Labor secretary Alexander Acosta? He “does not play these sophomoric Washington games.”

And we could go on.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Trump believes he’s narrowing in on the writer of the NYT op-ed that blasted him: report <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; The Hill (@thehill) <a href="">September 8, 2018</a></blockquote>

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White House Press Secretary meanwhile asked the public for their help, stating: “For those of you asking for the identity of the anonymous coward: the Media’s wild obsession with the identity of the anonymous coward is recklessly tarnishing the reputation of thousands of great Americans who proudly serve our country and work for President Trump. Stop. If you want to know who this gutless loser is, call the opinion desk of the failing NYT at 212-556-1234 and ask them. We stand united together and fully support our President Donald J. Trump.”

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6 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 36469 2018-09-08 : 18:57

Sessions, i told you already. Its Sessions….

Anonymous No. 36470 2018-09-08 : 19:09

Its just made up by NYT to make people suspect one another in the administration. They always publish pure fiction.

Anonymous No. 36472 2018-09-08 : 19:27

Fiona Hill: UK born, rabid #neverTrumper, connected to British intelligence, Soros, Clinton’, Brookings…

It was likely Fiona Hill: WHO IS FIONA HIL: Former Intelligence Officer and Putin Critic Tapped for White House Role.

Anonymous No. 36501 2018-09-09 : 00:35

It’s crap, any op piece with an anon author is not to be trusted. If true the person responsible should be charged with treasonous intent. By stymieing the administration and admitting it, is a grievous nat sec issue. Start charging the swamp for their crimes, otherwise some idiot is going to think they are still winning and will continue this crap.

Anonymous No. 36629 2018-09-10 : 07:44

Like obama you mean, he used it on his staff. No trump wont, trust and see through lies thats enough.

Anonymous No. 36862 2018-09-12 : 12:14


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