There are reports today about a female Taco Bell employee in Hialeah, Florida, who became enraged at a black woman, who was in the drive-thru to place her order. When the customer couldn't understand the Spanish language of the clerk; it resulted in a chaotic war of words and the eventual need for law enforcement to intervene.
The video shows a latina woman working at the restaurant’s Hialeah, Florida location, as who becomes angry as she listens to the customer using English in the Spanish-dominant city.
Alexandria Montgomery placed her drive-thru order in English, the<a href=""> Miami Herald </a>reported, but the city is close to ¾ Hispanic.
"No Habla ingles!" The Hialeah Taco Bell employee screamed, and she would later face punishment; this time, for refusing to take the order from an English speaking customer who was unable to speak Spanish.
It was just last Wednesday when Alexandria Montgomery was trying to place her order to the cashier at a Taco Bell drive-thru window on 785 East 9th Street when the employee began to rant in Spanish using vulgarity.
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To her shock, the employee speaking to her had the audacity to refuse to take her order, saying that it was because she didn't speak Spanish.
Montgomery pulled out her phone and decided to record the incident.
In the video below, you can see as Alexandria Montgomery is asking the Taco Bell employee "Do you have a manager here?”
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"She is in her house sleeping," the disgruntled Taco Bell employee replies, suggesting that there were no English-speaking employees to take Montgomery’s order.
“Honey, I have a car behind you," the employee then says in Spanish and closes the window in Montgomery’s face.
"Can you move, please? I have an order behind you. There is no one who speaks English," the deranged Hispanic said, before threatening to call local law enforcement to have “Montgomery arrested,” despite her doing nothing wrong.
It's been deemed “politically incorrect” to question demographics, to invoke any critique of immigration, <i>but that silence is how America ended up in this mess in the first place.
"This is Hialeah, I’m sorry," she said in Spanish.
At that point, Montgomery witnessed two different Taco Bell employees come to the drive-through window, laugh, and walk away.
None of the employees made any attempts to serve Alexandria Montgomery.
"No more, Papi," the Spanish-speaking Taco Bell employee continued, yelling at a passenger who was also in the car with Montgomery.
The man argued back, saying that they “were in the United States,” and she needed to speak English.
"This incident happened Wednesday night around 10:30 PM,” Montgomery told el Nuevo Herald. “I contacted the manager and after explaining to her what happened all she did was apologize and say thank you and the call was disconnected.”
Taco Bell Corp. told El Nuevo Herald that "this does not meet our customer service expectations."
"We have worked quickly to resolve with the customer to ensure this doesn’t happen again," a spokesperson said.
In an update Montgomery made hours later, she added that "Luisa," as the Taco Bell employee identified herself, had been fired and that it was not even her real name.
Comments on Facebook were mostly supportive of Montgomery, who described the incident as "racist."
"Hialeah is still part of Florida and, as far as I remember, correct me if I’m wrong, Florida is part of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, it’s a country where English is the language we speak. This is a shame for the Hispanic / Latino community (sic)," commented a Facebook user.
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"Wow, if Latinos do not speak English we try to understand each other. Money is money. I have attended deaf people, Chinese, Mexicans, Americans, the important thing is to be treated with respect," wrote another person - in Spanish.
Hialeah is a city filled with close to 225,000 people in just Miami-Dade County.
It's also considered as being the largest city with a major Hispanic-majority population in all of the United States of America.
Local census records say that a stunning 89 percent of all Hialeah residents speak Spanish as either a first or second language.
Even more concerning is that 94 percent of the residents consider themselves to be either Hispanic or Latino, according to the 2010 census.
The Goldwater reported an article titled, <a href=""> “Unsealed Indictments Raid 30 MS-13 - Most in Mendota - Where Illegals & Foreign Born Find Haven,” </a>which was focused on Mendota, California.
Mendota, much like Hialeah, is s city where English is not the first, second, or even the third language.
These dangerous demographic shifts have both destroyed the proud enigmatic identity of the traditional American and encouraged both race-mixing and degeneracy.
Which, in America? You can love who you want regardless if I disagree with it.
However, it's now so bad that if you're an American, you're being put under the bus so politicians can cater to illegal aliens.
Not that this is shocking, considering The Goldwater reported,<a href=""> “Illegal Alien from Guatemala Stabs 16-year-old Jersey Girl to Death,” </a>just yesterday.
This is America, and we expect to be spoken to in English when we buy goods and services from various distributors or suppliers in this country, especially local businesses.
Not to mention the fact that migrants for your years now write of attacks on America, and “conquering” the world, and yes, that includes Latinos.
How many of you have heard of<a href=""> “Reconquista,” </a>the Latino/Hispanic radical belief of Mexico conquering the Southwestern-most boundaries of the United States of America?
The right-wing has countered with dialectic measures, and unique “defenses” of its own recommending people to arm themselves for the impending assault from the left, or migrants unwilling to assimilate into America.
That's not always the case, especially in the aftermath of Obama's Marxist utopia and a current Administration backed into a corner unable to accomplish his agenda due to radicals on both his left and his right.
It should come as no surprise that It the powers that be in the entertainment industry push this globalist trash.
They're pushing their proxies into spewing specific rhetoric, which is designed to unleash a Maoist plan of reform on America's public image.
Civil War in the West is possible with atrocities like this. It's not just Whites, but blacks too are victimized. They're all abused by the Marxist, who has no loyalty to nations.
The Hollywood Marxists recently called for actions in America which promote dramatic changes, such as open borders.
It's all a ploy, a huge part of the long-awaited ‘divide and conquers’ Bolshevik game plan to commence that typically would suggest we must fight back.
Get ready, America, because it seems they're backing us into a corner.
Members of the public who have information about foreign fugitives are urged to contact ICE by calling the ICE tip line at 1-866-347-2423 or internationally at 001-1802-872-6199.
<a href="">They can also submit a tip over the internet by completing ICE’s online form by clicking here.</a>
<i>Remember these barbaric and heinous crimes all while the Democratic Party and paid protestors attempt to “Abolish ICE,” the latest effort from the funding channels of Haim Saban, George Soros, and Tom Steyer. </i>
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<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;"><b>The Goldwater</b></span>
If they are speaking Spanish, that is a European language.