By: Savannah Smith | 09-22-2018 | News
Photo credit: @thehill

Melania Trump Slams Dems, Media For Their Lies To Discredit Her Husband

She has been the epitome of dignity and grace starting from the heated presidential campaign period all through the tough times during her husband’s young presidency. Everything, it seems, has been thrown her way, and most times she simply chose to ignore negativity. But First Lady Melania Trump is done with just being quiet. She has had enough, and she’s ready to fight back.

Melania, known for being soft-spoken and gracious, has finally strongly slammed the media and the Democrats for lying about President Donald Trump and his supporters. The first lady expressed her views in a fundraising memo to GOP supporters.

The first lady wrote: “Democrats and the opposition media are doing everything they possibly can to discredit Donald with false accusations by spreading their fake news and making it appear that he does not have the support of America’s voters.”

Melania also asks supporters to sign a pledge to her husband. The memo was distributed by the Republican National Committee.

The pledge reads:

Dear President Trump,

Please know that I am 100% behind you in these critical times. It ’s extremely vital that we all stand together against the Democrats, the mainstream media and other powerful foes who are determined to derail your Presidency and destroy you personally.

I am proud to pledge my support and am ready to UNITE all members of our movement.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Melania Trump signs RNC fundraising letter decrying Democrats and the media for pushing &quot;fake news&quot; and &quot;making it appear that [Trump] does not have the support of America’s voters.&quot; This is not a &quot;I really don&#39;t care&quot; message. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; David Corn (@DavidCornDC) <a href="">September 21, 2018</a></blockquote>

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Melania also said in her memo that just a few years ago, she never even imagined being the First Lady. But that she’s fighting now because “everything you and I believe in regarding the future of America is on the line in the coming months.” She also stressed that “this is a battle we must win together.”

She urges all supporters to help prove the Democrats and the media wrong.



Twitter: #MAGA #KAG #DonaldTrump #MelaniaTrump #Republicans #LyingDems&MSM

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