By: Savannah Smith | 09-22-2018 | News
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Missouri - 84-Year-Old Woman With Dementia Repeatedly Raped in Nursing Home

An 84-year old woman with dementia was allegedly repeatedly raped at a suburban St. Louis nursing home.

The woman’s daughter, Vivian Colette Green, made the allegation in a $1 billion lawsuit she and her siblings filed on Thursday in St. Louis County Circuit Court against Christian Care Home.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Lawsuit: 84-year-old woman repeatedly sexually assaulted at nursing home <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; WGAL (@WGAL) <a href="">September 22, 2018</a></blockquote>

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Green said her suspicions started when she found injuries on her elderly mother, Delores Green, as she bathed her last month. She said she saw strong indications that her mom was horrifically raped, including bruising around the rectum and vaginal areas.

Vivian Colette said she raised the issue with the management at the nursing home but they ignored her concerns, so she took her mother to the hospital where doctors established that the elderly woman had been repeatedly raped.

Independent lab results are now pending, that’s why no charges have been filed yet. However, police assistant chief Frank McCall said a potential suspect who also lives at the Christian Care Home in Ferguson has been identified.

In her lawsuit, Green alleged that the nursing home failed to properly supervise residents. The owner of the facility is named in the lawsuit, along with its management company and property owner.

Kyle Green, son of the victim told the local media: "When I found out what happened to my mother I was shocked and I was traumatized.”

Vivian Colette for her part said: “They failed her, they failed my mother, they failed her totally.”

Delores Green has been a patient in the nursing home for eight years. The lawyers handling her case says the victim’s children hope that the size of the lawsuit serves as a wake-up call to any nursing home that’s guilty of abuse or neglect.


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Anonymous No. 37724 2018-09-22 : 13:44

Wow! First they leave her in a nursing home then they try to cash in on her suffering.

That is shitty kids.

Anonymous No. 37762 2018-09-22 : 20:00

There would be charges filed within moments of me finding out some filthy piece of shit was raping my grandmother! Just that the charges wouldn’t have anything to do with rape unless the violent removal of the rapists package with the 1st blunt object I could grab would be considered some sort of sexual assault? Grandma wouldn’t be there any longer than it took to get her dressed upon seeing the bruises during her bath.

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