By: Steve Dellar | 09-24-2018 | News
Photo credit: Fios1News

New York - Couple Unaware They Bought MS-13’s “Blood-Stained Killing Fields” House

A nice four-bedroom house in Brentwood, Long Island was sold last Friday. Nothing peculiar there you would say. The home at 6 Ray Court sits on a quiet cul-de-sac and looks very peaceful. Until its new owners were told about it’s past, they thought having just made the deal of a lifetime as the price had been dropped 7 times in a matter of months.

The New York press who contacted the new owners, who wished to remain anonymous, were quick to inform them however that they had just bought the infamous house referred to as the “blood-stained killing fields of the MS-13 gang” which US President Trump talked about in detail when he gave a speech on Long Island describing how the South American gang members had “butchered those little girls.”

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Long Island couple shocked to find they just bought infamous MS-13 house… <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; EMPIRE REPORT (@EMPIREREPORTNY) <a href="">September 24, 2018</a></blockquote>

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“Gang members have transformed peaceful parks and beautiful, quiet neighborhoods into blood-stained killing fields,” Mr. Trump stated at the time.

He referred to the wooded area just behind the property where two girls, 16-year-old Miss Kayla Cuevas, and 15-year-old Miss Nisa Mickens were found bludgeoned and hacked to death in 2016 by members of the vicious gang.

Related coverage: <a href="">Woman Recognized by Trump For Losing Daughter To MS-13, Killed At Daughter's Memorial Service</a>.

The 20-something new homeowner explains that she didn’t know of the building’s horrific past, stating: “the real-estate agent said nothing of the property’s past, obviously, because they wouldn’t have been able to sell.”

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Couple shocked to find they just bought infamous MS-13 house<a href=""></a><br>Welcome to the “killing fields.” A young couple with three kids say they bought their dream home on Long Island Friday — only to just now discover it’… <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; 2uwash (@2uwash) <a href="">September 24, 2018</a></blockquote>

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“The house has been empty. We’ve been in the process of closing for a month.”

The house at 6 Ray Court in question was listed for sale for $377,000 in February was dropped in price no less than seven times since. Last Friday, the new owners acquired it for $320,000, according to the real estate information posted online by Daniel Gale Sotheby’s International Realty of Cold Spring Harbor.

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3 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 37882 2018-09-24 : 13:23

Deport them with a bullet.

tab No. 37886 2018-09-24 : 14:39

strange that Obama never mentioned, MS13…..

just put a bounty on them DEAD OR ALIVE and let we rednecks deal with these vicious, muscleless cowards… problem solved.

Ratty rat No. 37911 2018-09-25 : 04:45

Well, sad story, but if there were no people killed inside the house, and only in the fields behind the house, then it shouldn't matter. if the owners can clear thier minds. The whole earth has seen massive bloodshed and she bears witness to the people who did the deed. If they have a beautiful house, pray that God etc them enjoy it. It could go either way right? Horrified by what they know? Or enjoy the savings and the house they bought. Its all between your ears

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