By: Steve Dellar | 09-30-2018 | News
Photo credit: Twitter | @EvanAgostini

New York – Mass Panic As Central Park Concert Crowd Believes To Hear ‘Gunshots’ (Video)

New York’s Central Park was the scene of a short period of mass panic among thousands of spectators at a festival when a fence fell over.

The sound of the falling fence made some people think of gunshots, after which they started running towards the nearest exit. The event made clear that people are afraid of a repeat of what happened on 1 October 2017, when a gunman opened fire on a crowd of concertgoers at the Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada.

Last night in New York, approximately 60,000 people had gathered around eight o'clock in the evening on the big grass field of Central Park for the World Citizen Festival.

Politicians and musicians attended to discuss the worrying political climate in the US. Suddenly a police fencing structure (which was meant to keep the crowd in check) fell and the noise made some people assume it was the sound of gunshots.

The elevated fear of mass shootings was clear from the ensuing panic that broke out.

Mr Chris Martin, the Coldplay frontman who was performing at the time, tried to calm the audience from the stage.

The police rushed to the stage to make it clear to those present that nothing was wrong and that everyone was safe, but by that moment some of the spectators had already been overrun.

According to the New York fire brigade, nobody was injured.

An NBC producer tweeted: “Almost overrun. Holding your wife firmly in the middle of the field because people are running away in panic everywhere is not my favourite activity. I'm going home.''


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4 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 38345 2018-09-30 : 13:11

They're afraid New York would also have an FBI arms dealer patsy blamed for another kike operation to murder Americans?

tab No. 38350 2018-09-30 : 14:00

@ Anonymous No. 38345

EXACTLY…. the same psychopath Swamp Creatures who did 9/11, Vegas, Pulse et are still in positions of power and authority. when they aren't out and out murdering their fellow countrymen they are doing false flags like Sandy Hook.

tab No. 38352 2018-09-30 : 14:02

i meant to say: false flag HOAXES like Sandy Hook. Pulse may have also been a hoax. all covered up -like 9/11- by THE FAKE NEWS.

Millie Woods No. 38361 2018-09-30 : 16:03

'the worrying political climate in the US'…..on display in the comments.

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