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The nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court continues to stir emotions as 302 people were arrested in Washington DC protests.
Among those demonstrating against the White House’s nominee were comedian Miss Amy Schumer and model Miss Emily Ratajkowski.
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Members of the Republican party had declared earlier that the FBI report, which has not been made public, had exonerated the judge of the sexual assault allegations made by Dr Ford.
Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Mr. Chuck Grassley released a statement saying: “this investigation found no hint of misconduct."
Related coverage: <a href="http://thegoldwater.com/news/38642-Kavanaugh-GOP-Eyes-On-Flake-Murkowski-And-Collins"> Kavanaugh - GOP Eyes On Flake, Murkowski And Collins</a>.
However, the rival Democrats are now claiming that the five-day inquiry, which they hailed as a win just last week, was "incomplete" because it was limited by the White House. Mr. Trump’s cabinet has denied any involvement in the FBI investigation.
Democratic Senator Ms. Dianne Feinstein claimed that the FBI report was "the product of an incomplete investigation" which had left out key corroborating witnesses. Her colleague Democratic Senator Mr. Richard Blumenthal was harsher in his choice of words, saying the report was a "whitewash".
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Brett Kavanaugh has published a new Wall Street Journal op-ed touting his judicial impartiality and defending his conduct at last week's Senate hearing: <a href="https://t.co/1fdGFEyRNn">https://t.co/1fdGFEyRNn</a></p>— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) <a href="https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1048001384132612096?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 5, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Mr. Kavanaugh himself meanwhile wrote an editorial in the Wall Street Journal, explaining how he had experienced the last week. He stated: “I was very emotional last Thursday, more so than I have ever been. I might have been too emotional at times. I know that my tone was sharp, and I said a few things I should not have said.”
“I hope everyone can understand that I was there as a son, husband, and dad. I testified with five people foremost in my mind: my mom, my dad, my wife, and most of all my daughters.”
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Comedian Amy Schumer has been detained during Kavanaugh Protest in Washington DC. <a href="https://t.co/dKXmj9ziI5">pic.twitter.com/dKXmj9ziI5</a></p>— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) <a href="https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1047956840674447361?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 4, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Mr. Kavanaugh’s nomination depends on the mercy of three Republican senators who have to give the party it’s majority. Yesterday two of those wavering voices, Mr. Jeff Flake and Ms. Susan Collins respond positively to the FBI report and stated they would probably vote to confirm the White House’s nominee.
If he gets confirmed to the lifetime position on America's highest court, 53-year-old Mr. Kavanaugh is expected to help Republican voices dominate the nine-member panel for decades to come.
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This is the Electronic Media and smartphone hypnosis age .
Mr. Kavanaugh has been E-lynched, E-Forked, E-Tar'ed, and E-Feathered.
By a political leadership and Hate Group Leaders here is the USA that fully and clearly knows he is innocent of the politically created lies. This is all because what they fear is what may or may not happened 30+++ years ago, but Mr. Kavanaugh's adherence to the US Constitution in his 20+ years of Court rulings.
Ultimately WE THE CITIZENS are to blame.
Just about everyone in the USA has a keyboard and with a 1/2 a brain can look up facts if WE wanted. But too many of US are lazy and still just jump on a bandwagon without researching the information we are being spoon fed by too many of the HATE Groups to count. Or the Hate Group's Political Party Sponsor that start them marching with a slogan or deliberately distracting news-speak item..
Doubt this?
I challenge anyone to use their Internet / Smart Phones with their 1/2 brain, and prove me wrong with FACTS, not News-speak / News-bites. Explain to me how 2+/- dozen Liberal hates groups all roll out with the same Protest talking points in less than 24 hours. An do it with preprinted T-shirts and signs. An how they can afford to get together from all over the the USA so quickly and find hotel/motel rooms in DC that many of us consulting in DC can never seem to find?
The Left doesn't care about the truth of the allegations, just about gaining power by any means necessary. If Billy Boy Clinton can rape with impunity, but Judge K is somehow a monster due to a botched makeout session with the town pump there is no moral ground here. These scum are just showing their desire to be in control of others. Just like the good Bolsheviks they are, they ultimate goal is to reproduce the glories of 1917, and liquidate all who oppose them. Look up on the faces and know that these women want nothing more that total and complete domination over those they feel threatened by. The irony that by overturning rule of law will bring on their own destruction merely underscores the hate in their hearts. Yagoda, Yehzov and even Beria didn't do so well in the long run. As long as these thralls can server an evil master they will be a willing sacrifice to their infernal god as well.
The desire of the Left is to reproduce 1917. In order to do so a majority of the population must be ignorant peasants of a third world variety. The middle class must be disarmed and Christianity weakened to the point of collapse. These shrews and harpies are using our own laws and morals against us. Only a return to the values that existed before the current Jewish infestation of the judiciary and media can save the Republic. See these faces, study them. They are the aspiring members of an American Cheka; Commisars and Commandants in the service of a Global elite that will save us all from ourselves with an electronic boot upon our throats.
Kavanaugh was set upon by mob rule with all but pitchforks, not interested in reason or truth. Considering the wild pack of dogs at his feet, I have no concerns about his reactions and actually praise his grace and restraint that NONE on the rabid left have mustered.