||| New York Post|||
Was it a case of simple misinterpretation or a clear case of racism?
Apparently alarmed, a white woman called the cops to report a father at his child’s soccer game claiming he yelled at the referee. The father happens to be black. The father said he was not doing anything violent or even threatening as he was simply cheering on his own son.
The match where the contrasting points of view happened in Ponte Vedro, Florida over the weekend. Two other women who were also watching the said match took videos of the “other match” going on aside from the real game. They uploaded images on Facebook showing the field marshal who called the police, with her sitting in a blue golf cart with a phone to her ear. They christened her the “Golfcart Gail” in their post.
Ginger Galore Williams’ social media post had the header “Soccer White Black”, and with the message: “A parent at my son’s soccer game had the police called on him for cheering for his son during the game.”
<iframe width="640" height="360" style="border-width:1px; border-style:solid; border-color:#e6e6e6;" src="https://media.firstcoastnews.com/embeds/video/8282220/iframe" allowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>
Based on Williams’ account, the father did not even hurl expletives or even insults at the referee. Instead, Williams said the unnamed father only screamed, “the ref is right!” when he saw that his kid was frustrated by a call. The father could be worried perhaps that his son’s reaction to the referee’s call might affect his game.
Williams blamed “Golfcart Gail” for taking offense against a father who was just being, well, a father.
Williams also wrote in her post: “’{She} decided to spring into action and rapidly approach this parent and remind him that harassment would not be tolerated. He informed her that he was only speaking to his son.”
The father even offered to just leave the game with the wife so as to de-escalate tensions between him and the woman who took offense. “Golfcart Gail” stood her ground, so to speak, and told him she was, in fact, calling the cops “because she no longer felt safe with his threatening behavior.”
Williams was indignant in her post. She added: “The man was peacefully leaving his own son’s soccer game to avoid exactly the situation. Shame on you Golfcart Gail for what you did to this man and the children who had to see this. Can you imagine how afraid his child must have been to see this happening?”
Maria Morale- Walther also recorded the incident and also stood for the father and told the local media that “at no point “ was the dad aggressive.
One of the deputies who responded told Williams it is within the marshal’s right to call the police.
The deputies did not detain the father. The “Golfcart Gail” incident joins the increasing list of videos posted to social media showing white women calling the cops on black people over seemingly trivial things like “BBQ Betty”, “Permit Patty”, “’Cornerstone Caroline.”
The white women involved have also been bashed and bullied in return after the said posts became viral. It is not certain if that is the right way to correct a mistake, or it’s just making things worse instead of bringing enlightenment to the difficult issue of racism.
Well, she's certainly the size of a golfcart - maybe she should concentrate on getting her weight down rather than make petulent racist complaints that have no basis in fact.
I was at my Grand Daughters pee-wee softball game last night. It seemed to me. several of the Mothers were living their social lives through their 4-6 y/o's. Screaming and threatening their daughters across the field with all type of punishments.
Hey people get a grip its a kids softball game. Let them have some fun.