By: Steve Dellar | 11-15-2018 | News
Photo credit: Twitter@SOSMediterranee

Italy - Migrants Rescued At Sea Refuse To Go Ashore In Libya

After a few weeks of budget discussions, the Italian government of populist parties Lega Nord (Matteo Salvini) and Five Star Movement (Luigi Di Maio) is once again focusing on immigration.

Ever since Mr Salvini became responsible for immigration as interior minister of Italy, he’s disallowed ships carrying migrants from Africa to dock in Italian ports, leading to a slowdown of crossings between Libya and Italy and instead sending migrants from Africa towards Spain.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Yesterday evening, 14 people disembarked from the cargo ship in <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Misrata</a> port since Saturday after returning a group of +90 refugees and migrants to <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Libya</a> shores. They are being transferred to official detention centres. Among them mother &amp; baby, unaccompanied minors. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; MSF Sea (@MSF_Sea) <a href="">November 15, 2018</a></blockquote>

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It does however also mean that some still try illegal crossings with dingy rubber boats, which are very dangerous. One of those, carrying well over 100 passengers tried to cross from Libya over to Italy this week but sank when it got into rough waters. The Libyan coastguard was too far out themselves so they alerted a container ship that was passing on the route.

Related coverage: <a href=""> Italy – Matteo Salvini And Celebrity Girlfriend Say “Basta! Finito!” (Video)</a>.

In the end, 94 passengers were rescued by the container ship. However, after being returned to Libya they have refused to get off the ship.

The Libyan coast guard reported that the migrants aboard a container ship docked at the port of Misrata are refusing to disembark: "When we asked the migrants to get off the ship, they refused and demanded it take them to Italy."

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Dozens of migrants have barricaded themselves in a container ship in Misrata and refuse to disembark in Libya.<br><br>&quot;These are people motivated by despair.”<a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Doctors w/o Borders (@MSF_USA) <a href="">November 14, 2018</a></blockquote>

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The migrants, most of them who are from Eritrea, Somalia, Bangladesh and Sudan say they refuse to go anywhere but Italy.

The Italian government however refuses to accept them.

<b>'It's a prison'</b>

A 19-year-old Sudanese migrant from Darfur said: "I was stopped by this ship and thought I would be sent to Malta or Italy. I prefer to die but not to be returned to Libya … it's a prison."

So far, authorities have been able to convince 14 people to disembark.

Passengers are currently being attended to by human rights and medical experts.

Mr Julien Raikman of Doctors Without Borders (MSF), an NGO, says that Libyan authorities have allowed the group to treat those in need of urgent medical care as well as deliver food: "We talked to people who have suffered torture on the migration route and it seems abnormal that the United Nations cannot propose an alternative for them."


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6 Comment/s
Isaak Dix No. 42367 2018-11-15 : 13:16

Sink 'em

Africanus Niggerasarus No. 42371 2018-11-15 : 14:58

Use tasers and cattle prods on the men the women won’t resist if they do taser them too.

Anonymous No. 42379 2018-11-15 : 19:20

I see satan's minions have commented. Judgement day is coming!

Anonymous No. 42381 2018-11-15 : 19:25

Thanks to killary k. klinton, Libya is a slave trade market. I don't blame them for not wanting to get off there. They should have stayed where they were in the first place. Soros hand no doubt, aided by the U.N.

Anonymous No. 42399 2018-11-15 : 21:49

It would suck for business but looks like the shipping co will have to take a week off. Install one way rotary doors at all exits, and shut off the water. Then set up a free water stand 100meters away and wait. There will probably be some die off but they will be less argumentative.

bishlap No. 42462 2018-11-16 : 14:31

I'm glad the USA is such a horrible country that no immigrants want to come here, whew!

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