By: Kyle James | 11-19-2018 | News
Photo credit: Flydragonfly |

UK Dog Accused Of "Hate Crime" For Defecating On "Victim's" Lawn

No one likes walking to their car or to their front door and feeling that squishy, sticky poo on the bottom of your shoe, but is it a hate crime for a dog to poop on someone's yard? That is what the courts are trying to figure out in the UK after a "victim" reported a dog had defecated on her lawn as a racist hate crime.

What might shock you, even more, is this isn't the only hate crime that Metropolitan Police have been dealing with. There have been over 2,507 alleged "hate incidents", according to the Metropolitan Police in 2015 and 2016 alone. Some of the reports of so-called hate crimes include:

<b>-An envelope being opened and resealed.</b>

<b>-A motor vehicle accident in which one of the vehicles bore a Remembrance poppy.</b>

<b>-A dispute that started over a line call in a tennis match.</b>

<b>-A dead rat that was found in somebody's garden.</b>

<b>-A man was accused of a hate crime for telling library staff he was campaigning for Brexit.</b>

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Dog accused of &#39;racist hate crime&#39; for pooing outside someone&#39;s front door.<a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; LADbible (@ladbible) <a href="">November 18, 2018</a></blockquote>

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Tory MP and former special constable David Davies said that recording such "non-crimes" equated to a waste of police time and resources. Davies added, "This is part of the reason that police struggle to investigate serious offenses such as home burglaries," he said. "People need to start thinking more carefully before they call the police"

The strikingly large number of hate incidents, 2,507 to be exact, were revealed in a special 118-page document that was disclosed due to Freedom of Information laws. The incident where the pooch pooped on the neighbor's lawn reads, "An unknown dog has fouled outside of victim address and victim perceived this to be a racial incident."

It gets better, or should I saw worse, another "hate crime" including a canine said, "Suspect’s dog barking at the victim." The fact that the dog barked was somehow reported as a hate crime. Another report says a victim of racial abuse reported that he "believes a letter addressed to him was opened and then resealed before he had collected it from the Post Office."

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Many of the other claims in the 2,507 hate crime reports was an entry that said, "Unknown suspect has reversed into victim’s car causing extensive damage. Victim perceives to be a hate crime as she had a poppy in front of her car." Another featured a man who reported that his neighbors were parking only outside his house and were "targeting him due to him being black".

That's not the weirdest by far. Another entry said, "Victim on hearing her neighbors in their house has put her ear up to their door to hear what they are talking about. In a conversation, they have referred to her as [redacted] and made remarks of trying to get her moved out." Apparently, thousands of people don't know the true meaning of racism.

Another report reads, "Witness has had parking issues with her next-door neighbor, their children apparently throw stones and balls over the garden fence. Witness has recently found a dead rat in the garden and perceives this to be racist." The reports just get more and more ridiculous. I don't know what is worse, the fact that someone called a dog pooping racist or the fact that Scotland Yard tweeted, "We have 900+ specialist officers dedicated to investigating all hate crime."

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Scotland Yard was later forced to retract the tweet and admitted that although there are 900 detectives working with Community Safety and Safeguarding Units in London's boroughs, they spend most of their time dealing with domestic abuse calls. The agency has since corrected itself and said, "We found a number of tweets gave the impression 900 officers were "dedicated" to the investigation of hate crime… This information was incorrect and at the first opportunity was removed." It was a good try at social brownie points though.

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