By: Courtney Tubbs | 11-25-2018 | News
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Right Wing Tax Squads: How the Right and the IRS United Against

Every modern man has experienced it, <i>the paywall</i> blocking them from seeing the e-girl of their dreams behind a “premium Snapchat” account. Now, the Internal Revenue Service is closing-in, seeking unpaid taxes in a victory for men against greedy women nationwide.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">If you report a thot to the IRS and they collect taxes from her, you can receive up to 30% of that amount. There is actually a financial incentive to defeating thottery. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Roosh (@rooshv) <a href="">November 24, 2018</a></blockquote>

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<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;"><a href=""></a></span>

<div style="border-bottom:1px solid #ddd;"><strong>The so-called “far right,” a group of predominantly White males <i>revolting against the modern world</i> and all its degeneracy; have made unlikely allies with the IRS in ending the reign of the “e-girl” scam.</strong></div>

On<a href="">'s /pol/ board</a>, the users aren't just politically incorrect, <i>but determined</i> to find and report digital models, “e-girls,” and others who use services and steaming similar to “premium Snapchats” to earn profit and avoid taxation.

It's a means of <i>revenge</i> for many men, whereas others are simply enjoying removing society of much of the degeneracy that comes from escort and pornographic or sexual streaming services.

Some of you may not yet have heard of this clever means of acquiring payments online, more often than not utilized by promiscuous women, or <i>sex workers.</i>

<i>What is a “premium Snapchat” account?</i>

<img src="" style="max-height:640bpx;max-width:360px;">

<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Credit: “What are premium Snapchat accounts?”<a href=""></a></span>

Women with promiscuous behavior and tendencies either perform stripping, flirting, or sexual acts on camera in the traditional “cam girl” genre.

<img src="" style="max-height:640bpx;max-width:360px;">

<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;"><a href=""></a></span>

However, in 2018, the “e-girl” rakes in cash through donations for a variety of non-sexual services including gaming streams, political punditry, or engaging in a variety of commentaries.

<img src="" style="max-height:640bpx;max-width:360px;">

<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;"><a href=""></a></span>

For many men, these women are simply leading them on to gain donations or monthly fees from their premium services.

<img src="" style="max-height:640bpx;max-width:360px;">

<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;"><a href=""></a></span>

“Why is the IRS so much more competent than other branches of government”? asks an anonymous user.

<img src="" style="max-height:640bpx;max-width:360px;">

<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;"><a href=""></a></span>

To the Internal Revenue Service, that's an enormous amount of taxable proceeds that most of these women aren't reporting on their taxes.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Apparently the IRS is paying thot patrollers reporting them for not paying their taxes<br><br>h/t <a href="">@MartinaMarkota</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) <a href="">November 24, 2018</a></blockquote>

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Thot tax <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Martina Markota (@MartinaMarkota) <a href="">November 24, 2018</a></blockquote>

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Whether the ideas of the newest means of <i>shutting it down</i> for anonymous users become something that the mainstream media covers or not remains to be seen.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"> THIS IS FOR NOT PAYINGTAXESYOUSMELLYTHOT <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Coon Can’t Die (@CoonCantDie) <a href="">November 25, 2018</a></blockquote>

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For now, <i>we're witnessing online history in the making.</i>

<a href=""> <h4>Click Here to Visit the IRS and Report Tax Scams</h4>.</a>

Additional Sources or Relevant Information:

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8 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 43273 2018-11-25 : 20:03

All females are worthless lying whorish scum. Giving them any rights at all was a mistake.

Anonymous No. 43276 2018-11-25 : 20:09

Lefty chicks wanted more government, enjoy your more government!

Anonymous No. 43290 2018-11-25 : 22:08

All men are lying worthless cheating pus bags WHO CAN ONLY THINK WITH THE WRONG HEAD! And everything women got in the way of rights was taken, not given!

Anonymous No. 43292 2018-11-25 : 22:14

ALL men do is go around looking for a place to stick it and then when they are done they talk about what trash they just indulge in. That's some real self respect there, and moral fortitude! Where's your self worth dick for brains?

Anonymous No. 43293 2018-11-25 : 22:16

Tail wag the dog much?

Anonymous No. 43294 2018-11-25 : 22:17


Anonymous No. 43295 2018-11-25 : 22:21

Yeah no one forces men to engage in such depravity. When I see shit I decisively choose not to step in it. Not rub it all over me and then say… that is some sic shit.

Anonymous No. 43326 2018-11-26 : 04:40

Thots eternally BTFO

How will they ever recover?

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