A lot of judiciary rumors in Washington and New York this past week, where Special Counsel Robert Mueller tried to put an end to his search for the exact facts of the alleged Russian meddling into the Presidential elections two years ago.
The big question still remains: did members of the Trump campaign know?
The news of the past few days was about four of the main characters: Trumps campaign manager Paul Manafort, Trumps fixer and former attorney Mr Michael Cohen, Trump’s former National Security Advisor Mr Michael Flynn and former Republican fixer Roger Stone. The news always revolved around their possible cooperation: who helped and who didn’t?
Much of the news was of procedural nature. We now know that Flynn had nineteen conversations with Mueller, and that he 'substantially' participated in three different studies. In exchange, Mueller feels he should receive only a light penalty or no punishment at all.
We now know that Manafort lied to Mueller and that therefore wants to break his former plea deal.
Related coverage:
Trump ‘Very Easily’ Answers Mueller’s Russia Questions.
We now know that Stone relies on his right to remain silent and does not want to testify to a Senate inquiry committee about his possible links with WikiLeaks.
And, lastly, we now know that Cohen lied to Congress, but wants to turn a clean slate and thus hopes for a reduced sentence by cooperating with Mueller.
But the weight of all the fuss was … slim to say the least.
Yes, thanks to Cohen, we know that until June 2016, so far in the campaign, Trump attempted to get a Trump Tower in Moscow off the ground. But he’s a building promoter so that’s really nothing new. And we now know that Trump lied about that, during the campaign and afterwards (but that is not punishable by law).
What Flynn told in those nineteen conversations, we do not know - in the fourteen sheets that accompanied his confession on Tuesday, a lot was blackened out as ‘confidential.’
We do not know what Manafort has been lying about. We do not know what Stone wants to conceal.
Plenty of hypotheses and theories. The past few days threatening headlines have appeared in the Bezos owned newspaper The Washington Post like 'Why Trump has to worry?'
But so far, we remain far from knowing the answer to the main question: did the US President work with the Russians to influence the American elections.
It is possible that this is the outcome of Mueller's research: the protagonists are not charged with conspiracy, but simply with perjury, obstruction of justice or even influencing witnesses.
US President Trump himself was accused of that in the mainstream media this week, simply because he praised Stone on Twitter for refusing to collaborate with Mueller.
The wait is for the next episode of this long-lasting detective series. In the end, the special counsel’s inquiry will conclude with a report submitted to Acting U.S. Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, who can then decide whether to release it to the public, submit it to Congress, or attempt to bury it.
Chances are, Whitaker will read, it, find nothing substantial, and bury it afterwards.
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All I’m looking for next are for the U1 actors and the pay for play Clinton Foundation scammers to go to prison. Oh, and let’s not forget the alphabet investigation organization weapon creators or should I say the last presidential administration?