By: Savannah Smith | 12-07-2018 | News
Photo credit: Darren Fisher |

NE - ‘Anti-Christ’’ Principal Suspended for Banning Christmas Decors in School

NE - ‘Anti-Christ’’ Principal Suspended for Banning Christmas Decors in School

One elementary school principal in Nebraska apparently did not believe in Jesus Christ being a part of Christmas and so went about imposing her beliefs to the students by banning Christmas decorations from the classrooms that are closely associated with Jesus including Christmas trees, Santas, and even eye candy canes simply because they symbolize “J” for Jesus.

Principal Jennifer Sinclair even went out of her way to write a letter and send it to the teachers at Manchester Elementary outlining to them a supposed “new policy” on religious holiday decorations. Sinclair even listed down a list of “acceptable items” that students and teachers can choose to decorate their respective classrooms, while making a separate list for items that are not “acceptable practices.”

Under the principal’s self-imposed list, allowable Christmas decors include religious-neutral items as snowmen, penguins and symbols of other holidays from around the globe.

Sinclair even justified her move of banning traditional Christmas decors by saying that her move was “culturally inclusive to all students.”

The school district admitted that Sinclair imposed the said ban without bothering to consult administrators about the so-called new policy.

Sinclar even signed the memo she sent to teachers as “Unintentional Grinch who stole Christmas from Manchester.

Well, apparently the principal will not get away with imposing her Christmas views on students and teachers. She has since been placed on administrative leave following her actions.

Liberty Counsel’s founder, Mat Staver, was ready to file a suit against the school had they not responded decisively. Staver argues that Sinclair’s list violates teachers’ First Amendment rights and also violates school district policy.

School issues were quick to clarify that Sinclair’s memo “did not reflect the policy of Elkhorn Public Schools.”

It is not yet known how long will the principal be on leave.


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6 Comment/s
Steven Lee No. 92302 2018-12-07 : 22:47

Christmas is a CHRISTIAN HOLIDAY. The same religion that founded this country! The same country that gave the world the constitution and bill of rights If this principal is offended by christian holidays so much that she feels compelled to ban the symbology of this beautiful holiday. Then perhaps finding a profession more suited to her phycological bent. something not associated with humans.

Anonymous No. 92309 2018-12-08 : 01:57

Christmas is the result of the church stealing pagan celebration you ignorant cunt. Do you also think jesus was born in December?

Anonymous No. 92313 2018-12-08 : 06:55

What's up, larpagan kike.

Anonymous No. 92319 2018-12-08 : 09:19

Candy canes represent "J" for Jesus? Lmao, that has to be the dumbest theory I've ever heard . . .

Anonymous No. 92320 2018-12-08 : 09:53


Urban legend or not the dumb theory that candy canes are directly connected to religious observance of Christmas has been around for hundreds of years.

"Candy Cane History and Legends

Legend has it that in 1670, the choirmaster at the Cologne Cathedral in Germany handed out sugar sticks among his young singers to keep them quiet during the long Living Creche ceremony. In honor of the occasion, he had the candies bent into shepherds' crooks.

In 1847, a German-Swedish immigrant named August Imgard of Wooster, Ohio, decorated a small blue spruce with paper ornaments and candy canes. It wasn't until the turn of the century that the red and white stripes and peppermint flavors became the norm.

In Indiana, a candy maker wanted to make a candy that could be a reminder of Jesus Christ, so he made the Christmas candy cane. He started off with a stick of pure white hard candy. The white color symbolized the virgin birth and the sinless nature of Jesus, and the hard candy symbolized the solid rock which was the foundation of the church, and firmness of the promises of God.

The candy maker made the candy in the form of a J, which represented the name of Jesus and the staff of the Good Shepherds. He then stained it with three stripes which showed the scourging Jesus received, and symbolized the blood shed by Christ on the cross. When you break the cane, it reminds us that Jesus' body was broken for us."

Anonymous No. 92354 2018-12-08 : 16:51

Christmas is in our hearts, no stopping christmas

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