By: Courtney Tubbs | 12-07-2018 | News
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President Trump Employed Illegal Aliens at New Jersey Golf Club

President Trump is now reported to employ illegal aliens after a new report from the New York Times shows Donald Trump’s Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey, is employing Victorina Morales.

A 45-year-old illegal alien from Guatemala Victorina Morales works as a maid at Trump's Golf Club, the New York Times reports.

During more than five years as a housekeeper at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J., Victorina Morales has made Donald J. Trump’s bed, cleaned his toilet and dusted his crystal golf trophies. When he visited as president, she was directed to wear a pin in the shape of the American flag adorned with a Secret Service logo.

Whether or not the President is aware of Miss Morales immigration status as an illegal alien is unknown, but it certainly hurts the President's quickly bruising credibility alongside his unfulfilled campaign promises.

Trump prior to his 2016 Presidential Election Victory:

Trump just eight months ago condemning illegal aliens inside America:

The contradictions are clear cut, and despite knowing whether the President of the United States of America personally knew of the illegal alien hiring, we're left with questions as to how the incompetence of whoever is running his businesses could allow this to happen.

“Democrats put illegal aliens ahead of American citizens,” Donald Trump said five months ago:

“Illegal immigrants must leave and apply for entry,” Trump said to a crowd:

Morales talks of her using illegal documentation to obtain the job at Trump's Golf Club in 2013, whereas she crossed into the US illegally in 1999. She is a federal fugitive criminal, as an illegal alien.

“We are tired of the abuse, the insults, the way he talks about us when he knows that we are here helping him make money,” Morales told the Times.

Ironically, Americans are tired of illegal aliens taking their jobs, and draining the nation's welfare services.

Trump has publicly criticized European nations for their allowance of refugees and an influx of migrants, all while hiring illegals at his company's Gold Club.

This is troubling for a multitude of reasons, including the fact that it displays both an ignorance of a well-oiled machine to prevent such employment, and that it contradicts the President's own remarks.

This is the Commander-in-Chief of the United States of America unable to prevent his businesses from contradicting his policies.

While Miss Morales expects to be fired, she will likely receive notoriety and fame as a result of this discovery.

No doubt she should be deported, and the President should face fines for hiring illegals just as any other business would have.

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5 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 92303 2018-12-07 : 23:17

from NY Times????
NBC news????
yeah, they're real credible when it comes to our President/ sarc

Anonymous No. 92304 2018-12-07 : 23:25

fake/manufactured news in retaliation for the Clinton foundation news

Anonymous No. 92305 2018-12-08 : 00:06

More lies like Blasey Ford

Woot No. 92307 2018-12-08 : 00:56

You ought to know better than to post some bullshit stories from these sources. NYT is one of the least credible rags around and you are actually reporting on their bullshit. I would NEVER report on a story from that shit rag, if I ran a site like this.

Anonymous No. 92324 2018-12-08 : 10:59

Here is the key part for me using the articles own words.

"Morales talks of her using illegal documentation to obtain the job at Trump's Golf Club in 2013, whereas she crossed into the US illegally in 1999. She is a federal fugitive criminal, as an illegal alien. "

Q. Who was running the US in 1999?

Q. Since she used Fake Documents that got passed the Federal E-Verify system, how is Trump to blame?

Q. Since her fake documentation fooled even the US Secret Service whom "Cleared" her to be around the President of the USA. How is Trump to blame?
A. He is not.

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