By: Savannah Smith | 12-10-2018 | News
Photo credit: @ABC Twitter

OH - House Fire Kills 5 Children Including 1-Year-Old Twins

A tragic Ohio house fire late Sunday night claimed the lives of five children ages 1 to 9.

The huge fire started just before midnight in Youngstown. By the time firefighters arrived, the house was already being consumed by heavy flames, with smoke coming from the house.

A mother was forced to jump out of a window and desperately told responders that five children were still in great danger inside the burning home.

The firefighters managed to get three of the five children out of the house on fire. They were immediately brought to the hospital where unfortunately the two were later declared dead. The two other poor children were pronounced dead on the scene.

The victims’ ages are 9, 3, 2 and 1-year-old twins.

The mother was also bought to Mercy Health, although her condition at this point remains unclear. It is not yet fully established if all the children are the woman’s own kids, and why she was left all alone to take care of young children including toddlers and twin infants.

The Youngstown Fire’s arson unit is still investigating the incident and trying to establish the cause of the tragic fire. For now, foul play is being ruled out.

Barry Finley, Youngstown Fire Chief, said that responding firefighter also took the tragedy badly, especially since children died with Christmas just two weeks away.

Finley said that they could collectively feel the pain. He said of the heartbreak: “It’s extremely hard. We have a relatively young department and most of the guys have children. So it hits pretty hard and the fact that it’s so close to Christmas hits even harder.”

It is also not clear if the report of the fire came in late, or if it could have made a difference in saving the lives of the precious children if the disaster was reported even mere minutes earlier.

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