Pelosi predicts the government will stay "closed forever" because she is never going to fund the border wall.
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) December 13, 2018
Earlier, Pelosi said she is not going to approve one dime for the Wall.
Twitter: #Pelosi #GovtShutdown #BuildTheWall #GovernmentShutdown #ShutItDown
Well let’s hope the President lays-off those non-essential persons in the shut down so they don’t get their salary when and if they do have a job when it is over.
Someone is lying. We do need transparency. Unrestricted immigration in Europe has been a disaster. I would like to raise the issue in the House, to see if Donald's prediction is correct. If a separate funding bill passes there, go to the Senate where it's on the Democrats to be bi-partisan. If a funding bill is passed in the Senate, fine. Otherwise, a shutdown should follow, and we will know who to blame.
Could you imagine a government worker getting unemployment ins. instead of full pay for their time off. That way you could legally reduce the size of the federal gov.
When Federal govt workers are laid off during a govt. Shutdown they receive their full pay when they return. Thus, all a shutdown does is give millions of Federal workers a paid Holiday!!
Not if they are layed-off like normal private sector employees. If services can be resume through the elimination of waste or excess personnel, the wonderful use of automation could leave those unfortunate to be layed off six months for having to file for an extension like normal people. Would put reality in the public sector. There is no union for federal employees.
Remember seniority has no place in non-essential services.
To bad the demonRAT party couldn't be deamed none essential.
i love it that she's putting her reputation and those of her ...ahem, cohorts (the lunatic leftists) on the line....