By: Steve Dellar | 12-14-2018 | News
Photo credit: Twitter @iM0hay

Israel - Army Closes Off Ramallah After Attacks Kill 6 (Video)

After a period of relative calm, deadly violence has flared up in the occupied West Bank in recent days. A Palestinian gunman killed two soldiers at a bus stop on Thursday. The Israeli army killed four Palestinians within the next day.

Thursday the army blocked access roads to the city of Ramallah, the seat of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas just north of Jerusalem. Mr. Abbas condemned the violence of both the Palestinian and Israeli sides, but also expressed that he understood some youngsters that "the lack of visibility on peace" is inciting Palestinians to attack Israelis.

The extremist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad expressed their praise for the violent Palestinian perpetrators.
They called Thursday's attack "a heroic act" and "the answer to the occupier's crimes". Hamas also stated, "that the flame of resistance on the West Bank will continue to burn as long as the occupation of our country continues."

The terrorist organisation Hamas controls only part of the Palestinian territories and most of its operations are based in the Gaza Strip but it also has a lot of support on the West Bank.


Mr. Yoram Cohen, a former head of the Shin Bet domestic security service said on Israeli army radio that the Hamas movement has an important share in the attacks, even though they are not officially claimed. According to Mr. Cohen, Hamas members on the West Bank are "directed from the Hamas headquarters in Gaza".

Israeli newspaper Haaretz quoted an anonymous army officer who stated that Hamas is investing heavily in "terror infrastructure and armed units" in major cities such as Ramallah, Hebron, and Nablus. According to him, many attacks are thwarted, "but some events end horribly".


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who now also works as the country’s defense minister, ordered the military to expedite the demolition of the terrorists' homes to within 48 hours after an attack.

"Our guiding principle is that whoever attacks us and whoever tries to attack us will pay with his life," Netanyahu said.

"Our enemies know this and we will find them," he said, adding that "we will settle accounts with whoever did this."

After the attack at the Givat settlement, additional security forces were sent to the West Bank and numerous checkpoints were raised. Dozens of arrests were made.


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Anonymous No. 92678 2018-12-14 : 12:01

Playing connect the dots for Liberals and Open Border Globalists

Cause: Islamic Radicals that gained access to a Christian society due to lack of proper background checks .

Anonymous No. 92679 2018-12-14 : 12:04

Correction : Judeo-Christian Society

Anonymous. No. 92832 2018-12-17 : 04:59

Blowback. Americans ignore violence and murder by Israel because of the obsession over the return of christ myth, a fairy tale concocted by a very strange person who wrote Revelations.
Their twisted belief that somehow the artificial state of Israel is some sort of nexus to that prophecy is why the USA is mired in middle east conflicts over and over again.

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