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obviously he should have had someone else's injected to his backside for back problems, not in his arm
"As Above, So Below." - precept of ancient sacred geometry
"On Earth as it is in the heavens." - Jesus' The Lord's Prayer
"Anytime an idea(19) is connect(74)ed to nature, it's not only logical, it's inevitable."
The ancients knew that the combination of 7 & 4 seen in the design of the heavens was sacred and imitated it in their earthly designs. The Sumerians were apparently the first to keep astronomical written records. They tracked the 4 seasons and their first zodiac was divided into 4 sections. The Mesopotamians built their ziggurats - observatories/temples, e.g. Tower of Babel (Babylon) - to be 7 levels (six stories with a rooftop observatory) with 4 sides/4 corners. The information they gathered was sacred because it allowed them to make predictions about the future.
The ancient Egyptians were also astrologers/astronomers. They - like the Sumerians - took the common cubits of 6 palms x 4 fingers = 24 digits and added a palm to create the sacred royal cubits of 7 palms x 4 fingers = 28 digits. All the Egyptian sacred buildings including the first Step Pyramid of Pharaoh Djoser at Saqqara were designed by their architects using royal cubits and the sacred combination of 7 & 4 as their foundation. The Step Pyramid has 7 levels (six stories) and 4 visible sides/4 corners. The Osiris(74) Story is perhaps religion's oldest and there were 74 who opposed him.
The ancient Hebrews were aware of the sacred combination of 7 & 4 and encoded it in many ways. Whoever first told their Creation Story (Moses the 'Prince of Egypt'?) aligned Genasis 1:1 having 7 Hebrew words and 28 (7x4) letters. "And God said, 'Let there be lights in the heavens to divide the day from the night: and they shall serve also as signs and for festive seasons, and for cycles of days and years (and omens of eclipses)'…the 4th day (of 7)." - Genasis 1:14-19. Genasis 7:4 first introduces the sacred and recurring theme of the #40, "For in 7 days, it will rain for 40 days and 40 nights." Besides Noah, there were 7 people on the Ark in the Story and 4 were the wives.
Noah's Ark & the Courtyard of the Ark of the Covenant were fifty cubits or 74 feet wide if one cubit = 17.76 inches. 7/4/1776 was a Masonic7,74 Code4. cubits=74=C3+U21+B2+I9+T20+S19.
Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's dream of 7 fat cows & 7 meager cows, 7 fat ears of grain & 7 meager ears of grain. - Genasis Ch 41.
Jacob/Yakov/Israel and his family were 75 when they entered Egypt.
Moses aligned the 4th Commandment: "Keep the 7th day holy." "Moses, Aaron, his two sons and 70 elders" went atop Mt. Sinai: 74 altogether. 7 times Moses did the #40.
"Selah" is found 74x in the Bible: 71 in Psalms and 3 in Habakkuk.
King(4) Solomon(7) began building the Temple in the 4th year of his reign and it took 7 years to complete.
energy=74=E5+N14+E5+R18+G7+Y25 cubits=74=C3+U21+B2+I9+T20+S19 Masonic=74=M13+A1+S19+O15+N14+I9+C3
GOD=GOOD=G-d=7_4 (Observant Jews write God as G-d and Lord as L-rd.)
Jesus was born on the Sabbath Saturday April 17, 6 BC / 17.4.748 AUC / 29 Nisan 3755 HC[1] and was crucified on Friday April 7, 30 AD / 7.4.783 AUC / 14 Nisan 3790 HC.
The Revelation's "7 Seals" are opened, yet only "4 Horsemen" are unleashed.
WTF how retarded can these people be? I inject semen into my wife myself. I do this whenever I feel like it but often to cure that compulsion I get when she bends over in front of me.