By: Aggregator | 04-14-2019 | News
Photo credit: wikileaks

Julian Assange Booted From Embassy for Sharing Photo of President Eating a Lobster in Bed?

According to The Sun:

Assange is accused of leaking a picture of Ecuadorian premier Lenin Moreno dining on lobster in a luxury hotel room.

The picture, which has been widely circulated on Twitter, comes at an awkward time for the president whose administration has the Ecuadorian people living under austerity measures.

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3 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 94045 2019-04-15 : 01:15

wow, look at the nobility from Ecuador. I would be surprised if he didn't have a stable of Colombian concubines as well.

Kennth Colakovic No. 94074 2019-04-18 : 21:25

the hidden hand international monetary fund loan to equador comps

major burdock No. 95182 2020-10-05 : 17:04

I am currently looking for a job. I have no qualifications, other than performing fellatio on Philip Fairbanks

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