By: Aggregator | 04-15-2019 | News
Photo credit: Starstock |

Cher Woke?: Los Angeles ‘Can’t Take Care of Its Own, How Can It Take Care of’ More Immigrants

From Breitbart:

Cher said she failed to understand how the city of Los Angeles in the sanctuary state of California could afford to admit and take care of any more immigrants when city officials have failed to care for homeless, veterans, and poverty-stricken Americans.

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mamamia No. 94049 2019-04-15 : 03:59

so, i wanna know... WHO woke cher?....
lol... these contrived "words" are laughable..... we normal earthlings can agree on that can't we?

Worried? No. 94058 2019-04-16 : 02:05

Cher has seen the amount of cockroaches running in her city and they can't exterminate them fast enough. Cockroaches travel with rats and lord knows they got enough of all that in sanctuary cites. Maybe, just maybe she has woke up with all the right intensions. Maybe she just dose not
want to really look at it. We shall see

Toby No. 94086 2019-04-20 : 23:52

Like the old SNL skits, Cher just needed like Jane Curtin needed Dan Ackroyd, someone to remind her that she is and ignorant slut.

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