By: Phil | 03-26-2021 | Opinion, Studio
Photo credit: Dreamstime | The Goldwater

Just Don't: Nike Flip-Flops On Whether Slavery Is Ok

Just 4 months ago, Nike was one of a handful of companies lobbying the US government to prevent a bill that would make goods sourced from Uyghur forced labor illegal. But that was 4 months ago. Today, Nike is proud to take a stand. And if you buy that I've got some primo beachfront property in Ohio to sell you. Standard rule of thumb: giant corporations don't care about gay rights, women's rights, minority's rights, they care about profit and pretending to care is part of the marketing message now. Remember next time you see a giant corporation pretending to care about anything but increasing their profits, you can just repeat to yourself: it's just a commercial, it's just a commercial...

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Anonymous No. 95494 2021-04-01 : 00:08

http s://

Jim won't stop 8kun users from posting CHILD PORN

I've reported it to the FBI Child Exploitation Unit

8kun has no direct link to report users uploading child pornography... I had to struggle to contact Ron about it, having to actually create GAB and TELEGRAM accounts, and even then, there is no response from Ron after I notified him of the problem...

I sincerely hope Jim Watkins loses this website, the same way he loses everything else

By creating a website where users freely upload child pornography, and there's no way to directly contact the admin, Jim Watkins is knowingly participating in the crime...

It's a federal offense

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