8kun has no direct link to report users uploading child pornography... I had to struggle to contact Ron about it, having to actually create GAB and TELEGRAM accounts, and even then, there is no response from Ron after I notified him of the problem...
I sincerely hope Jim Watkins loses this website, the same way he loses everything else
By creating a website where users freely upload child pornography, and there's no way to directly contact the admin, Jim Watkins is knowingly participating in the crime...
It's a federal offense
There absolutely is a report button at 8kun. Not sure what you're on about. I get it that you hate free speech or whatever but making up easily disproven nonsense isn't going to fix anything. If you seriously just don't know how the site works, that triangle next to each post is the post menu. Click it, go to "global report" and mods will delete anything that violates US law.
http s://8kun.top/random/res/45346.html
Jim won't stop 8kun users from posting CHILD PORN
I've reported it to the FBI Child Exploitation Unit