By: Kyle James | 08-09-2017 | News
Photo credit: Wayne Welsh

Louisiana Assistant Police Chief Resigns After Sharing Racist Post on Facebook

A Louisiana assistant police chief has resigned after backlash from a disturbing Facebook post depicting a racist meme has surfaced.

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Wayne Welsh, an assistant police chief in Estherwood, Louisiana, has resigned after sharing a threatening and racist illustration of a Caucasian woman holding her young daughter's head under bathwater with the caption "When your daughter’s first crush is a little negro boy.” This is not the type of thing people expect from a person in a role responsible for dispensing impartial justice.

Welsh shared the meme in a post on his personal Facebook account. It was deleted soon after, but not before the damage was done.

After receiving huge amounts of backlash and criticism, Welsh apologized in a short statement, "Well, I posted something on Facebook that made a lot of people mad. Well, I’m sorry for what happened. Ya have a blessed day.”

This doesn't sound like a heartfelt apology and citizens of Estherwood County are right to be disturbed by this type of conduct from an officer of the law. Those given the responsibility of the gun and badge, even in administrative roles are held to a higher standard and this is certainly not conduct becoming of an assistant police chief.

Police Chief Ernest Villejoin, and Welsh's boss, initially defended him stating "When I found out about it, I couldn’t believe I had to call him. I called him at work and asked him what the hell is going on." Chief Villejoin also stated "I got him out yesterday. I suspended him and I was going to take the phone away and he was not allowed to get on Facebook in the unit” said Villejoin." The final result of Wayne Welsh's poor choice of conduct came just days later in the form of an official resignation. Residents will feel better about knowing the type of mind that considers this to be an acceptable post to share is no longer in a position of authority.


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2 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 6260 2017-08-09 : 05:52

wow so rude.

Anonymous No. 6267 2017-08-09 : 08:41

Police chief should be reinstated. We dont need social justice getting between negroes and the safety of our families and friends.

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