||| Jixu Yong |||
In a tragic attack last July, a 97-year-old World War II veteran was beaten to death inside his own home making him the oldest murder victim in Baltimore. On July 21, burglars invaded Wadell Tate's home of 60 years and ordered him to leave. When the 97-year-old refused to leave his own home, the despicable intruders badly beat him resulting in his death. Mr. Tate is survived by his 65-year-old daughter, Sylvia Swann. In a statement given to the Washington Post Swann said "You’d think at 97, how much longer does he have to live?" as she fought back tears and sifted through her father's belongings. "They took away his right to die on his own."
This type of tragedy is becoming all too common for the city of Baltimore, it is hard to imagine how a person could beat a 97-year-old man to death much less a veteran of one of America's most prolific wars. To have lived through such harrowing experiences as the massive battles in World War II and then live to 97 only to die at the hands of attackers is heartbreaking and senseless. His family is now looking to sell his home, worth only $15,000, a small sum after owning the home for 61 years.
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Located just an hour away from the capitol of the United States, Baltimore has made headlines in the last year for clashes between police and protesters over the death of a man named Freddie Gray while in custody of the Baltimore police. Rising crime rates have contributed to the chaos with over 200 people killed this year alone in the city. Around 2.8 million people reside in Baltimore where racial segregation and poverty are abundant. Since the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray last year, murder rates have increased by 78 percent according to Attorney General Jeff Sessions.