By: Red Pill | 08-10-2017 | News
Photo credit: The Goldwater

Hillary Clinton May Be Offered Plea Deal, MSM Distracting With Old Story About Manafort

More news today being swept under the rug by the dinosaur mainstream media is coming out of the DC saying that the Justice Department has officially reopened the investigation into Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified material on her private email system while she was Secretary of State.

Even more shocking is the new revelations that the DOJ may be considering their options in offering Hillary Clinton a plea bargain if she is willing to agree to plead guilty to charges of breaking the law, and possibly give Federal Prosecutors evidence for taking down those above her, according to a Clinton attorney.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The media wants you to believe the <a href="">#ManafortRaid</a> is breaking news. <br><br>Actually,<br><br>BREAKING NEWS: DOJ to offer <a href="">@HillaryClinton</a> a plea deal!</p>&mdash; Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) <a href="">August 9, 2017</a></blockquote>

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Originally the discussion of a plea bargain deal took place late last month between Clinton Attorneys and Federal Investigators, and the deal was offered by a top tier Justice Department official to the Clinton lawyer.

Those close to the case say that the groundbreaking talks with the prosecutor as well as Clinton's attorneys underscored that despite former FBI Director James Comey's decision last July not to recommend prosecution of Hillary Clinton, that new information has come to light which most certainly will bring down charges against her.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">BREAKING: Hillary Clinton offered plea deal on the same day that CNN decides to blast a 2 week old story abt Paul Manafort getting raided.🤔 <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Greg Odom (@O21Greg) <a href="">August 9, 2017</a></blockquote>

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Allegedly the Justice Department has reexamined the controversial email case and believes they have substantial evidence for prosecuting Hillary Clinton on a number of counts which would bring havoc to Washington's elite who have tried to protect her for far too long.

Most of this is being hidden today by the mainstream, while they continue to push the three-week old news about Paul Manafort in order to hide this from the masses.

The problem is the CIA backed mainstream media seemingly underestimates the capacity of today's dedicated youth and the information age in general, and how quickly word spreads via underground internet sources then goes viral.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">JULY 26th: Paul Manafort raided and media was SILENT <br>Today: Hillary Clinton offered plea deal by DOJ<br>CNN: BREAK THE PAUL MANAFORT STORY <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Kambree Kawahine Koa (@KamVTV) <a href="">August 9, 2017</a></blockquote>

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If the Justice Department's plea offer were accepted, Hillary Clinton would then be required to sign a document admitting that she committed a prosecutable crime and broke the law.

In return, the Department of Justice would agree not to bring charges against Hillary Clinton in connection with the email probe as they tackle other individuals involved in the cover up, which is essentially more serious than the crime itself and extends through the ranks of the former Obama Administration as well as the Democratic National Committee and several key party members.

What will most certainly help convince Hillary Clinton to sign the agreement, however, is that the Justice Department would not continue with an investigation of Hillary's pay to play deals with foreign governments, which is currently a major deal in several sovereign countries which claim the Clinton's interfered in their elections and politics?

Another term of the deal would be to drop the investigation into anyone who has contributed to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for political favors or who paid Bill Clinton exorbitant speaking fees as a way to hide the bribery involved in the scheme.

The Clinton Attorney who first anonymously

<a href="">tipped off NewsMax</a> to the details of this case has also allegedly cautioned that normally a plea is offered by a prosecutor only upon arraignment, and Hillary Clinton has not yet been charged with any crime, but then again the circumstances surrounding this story are something unheard of already.

The mainstream media, yes every single network, serves their globalist puppet masters.

While we do have some brilliant advocates on the mainstream right such as Sean Hannity, Jesse Watters, and Tucker Carlson; the executives still portray their talking points.

On the occasions where right wing mainstream pundits go off par for the course in their narrative, they're brutally attacked with slander and defamation and often times even terminated.

The problem is, there really isn't a free press in the mainstream anymore. A handful of corporations controls almost every magazine, website, periodical, newspaper, and broadcast station in America.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">DOJ Offers Plea Deal For Hillary Clinton <a href="">@jeffsessions</a> <a href="">@POTUS</a> NO PLEA DEAL4 CH&quot;ROTTEN&quot; 🇺🇸ns WANT JUSTICEāŒLOCK HER UP <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; DEPLORABLE SUSANA (@SUSANASOUTO2013) <a href="">August 9, 2017</a></blockquote>

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This is where you often times hear the repeated narratives over and over on hundreds of networks all across the country.

Many of the pundits who want to speak the truth have to live in fear of their careers ending for doing so or even worse risk their life.

Right now this is a major development, and if it turns out to be correct, it only helps prove that the media is in collusion with the left by running the Manafort story which is several weeks old just today in order to distract the masses.

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7 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 6311 2017-08-10 : 01:36

Looks like it was her own attorneys who leaked the story claiming she won't accept it.

This bitch is going down one way or another.

Anonymous No. 6319 2017-08-10 : 05:21

Good work as usual, RP.

Anonymous No. 6321 2017-08-10 : 08:08

what a bitch!!

NN No. 6349 2017-08-10 : 20:47

Seldom go to a Real Prison.

This class have built Country Clubs to house themselves if time must be served.

Justice would be:

* 10 yo 15 in a real prison,

* A fine equal to 10x's the cost of the investigation costs,

* A requirement she turn states evidence and rat out others.

* A Forensic Accounting Audit of the Clinton Foundation is also needed.

Anonymous No. 6371 2017-08-11 : 04:38


10 - 15 years? Wrong.

Death sentence for traitorous actions is the only justice.

NN No. 6392 2017-08-11 : 13:37

Hillary Rodham/Clinton well be 70 this Oct. So 10-15 years in prison would be a Life sentence for her.

She is already past a realistically electable age for the DNC/Socialist Based Millennial /Liberal Voters.

An polls show the incoming E-Generation is tired of old political types, they'll want a young future 40-45 year old .

Even the DNC is revamping its Agenda and moving away from Left siding Community Activist to a more Centrist Middle American voter.

Anonymous No. 6547 2017-08-14 : 04:48

Obama was mid forties and failed

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