By: Kyle James | 08-16-2017 | News
Photo credit: Kaylee Moats | FB

Woman Born Without Vagina Raising Money To Have Sex With Boyfriend

The family of an Arizona woman named Kaylee Moats have started a crowdfunding campaign for an unusual reason. Moats was born without a vagina and is now seeking the funds to have a corrective surgery that would allow her to have sex with her boyfriend. Moats suffers from a rare medical condition known as MRKH (Mayer Rokitansky Küster Hauser) syndrome. The sydrome happens in 1 out of every 5,000 females and is characterized by the absence of the vagina, cervix and the uterus. In some cases complications with kidney, bone and hearing difficulties can also occur.

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She describes how it took nearly a month for her to work up the courage to tell her boyfriend about her condition. "It took about a month for me to tell him that I have MRKH. He was confused at first but supportive and said that it doesn’t change how he see’s me. Moats is hopeful she will soon have enough to get the surgery and says she is looking forward to having a sexual relationship with her boyfriend. Moats family setup her crowd fund but she needs to raise $15,000 for her surgery because her health insurance won't cover it since they see it as an elective procedure.

“The fact that insurance considers this a cosmetic or a gender surgery really upsets me. I have all the correct chromosomes of a woman so it’s not a gender or cosmetic thing because it’s not what’s outside that is different. I can’t see inside what is wrong with me" she said in an interview. If Moats ever wants to have children in the future she will need a surrogate, thankfully her sister has offered to carry any children for her.


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4 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 6726 2017-08-16 : 12:28

We are gonna need to see pics of what she looks like without a vagina. Also how does she pee?

Anonymous No. 6727 2017-08-16 : 12:29

So the guy gets to fuck her sister too?? Thats awesome!

Anonymous No. 6739 2017-08-16 : 17:15

WOW he's been getting nothing for 4 months. Has she never heard of what a blowjob is?

Anonymous No. 6751 2017-08-17 : 00:14

6726; Are you serious or just stupid?

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