By: Steve Dellar | 09-07-2017 | News
Photo credit: The Goldwater

Student Who Mocked Isis On Facebook Under Investigation For Islamophobia

Young people beware. Political correctness online is being pulled to the extreme level, freedom of speech is basically dead and please don’t write down whatever you are thinking, even if you study law and are aware of what can be said and what not.

And the most important takeaway from all this: Facebook is watching you.

Robbie Travers, a 21 year old law student currently in his third year at the University of Edinburgh, had written a comment on Facebook stating that: 'I'm glad we could bring these barbarians a step closer to collecting their 72 virgins,' in response to an article stating that the US and its allies had dropped the MOAB, the "mother of all bombs", on a network of ISIS tunnels in Afghanistan.

More specifically, Mr. Travers had written: “Excellent news that the US administration and Trump ordered an accurate strike on an Isis network of tunnels in Afghanistan.

Miss Esme Allman, a second-year history student who was online befriended with Mr. Travers, had seen the comment and proceeded to accuse him of "blatant Islamophobia," stating comments like this put the security of minority groups at the university at risk.

Ms. Allman took it a step further even and filed an official complaint with the University board against him. Her reasoning was: “Not only do I believe this behavior to be in breach of the student code of conduct, but his decision to target the BME Liberation Group at the University of Edinburgh, and how he has chosen to do so, put minority students at risk and in a state of panic and fear while attending the University of Edinburgh.”

Never mind freedom of speech or the fact that this was a reaction on the internet to a news article, Ms. Allman’s clearly hurt feelings needed vengeance of some sort.

In an extreme case of political correctness, the University of Edinburgh has admitted the complaint and confirmed that alleging misconduct against Mr. Travers was indeed under investigation. Their response to reporters: We are committed to providing an environment in which all members of the university community treat each other with dignity and respect and our code of student conduct sets out clear expectations of behavior.”

So beware what you write on Facebook friends.


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Lee anne dickson No. 7730 2017-09-07 : 16:08

Heres what i think about the subject. "FREEDOM OF SPEECH" He did not incite any violence at all but a petty minded girl had her feelings hurt. Oh diddums.

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