By: Steve Dellar | 09-12-2017 | News
Photo credit: @MLP Official | Twitter

180 Strikes Allover France And Look Who’s Back - Marine Le Pen

||| @MLP Official | Twitter |||

After a somewhat longer than usual summer vacation, the leader of France’s far-right National Front (FN) Marine Le Pen, is back in the French press since a few days, stating she is ready and ‘determined’ to revitalize her movement

Le Pen said she had returned “with a great determination and a burning sense of duty not for me but for you, not alone, but with you”, whilst addressing a crowd of some 500 in the northeastern town of Brachay.

With President Macron’s popularity slipping and the French streets getting ready for what will be a ‘feisty fall’, her timing is still impeccable indeed.

The government is obliged to carry out a necessary but unpopular reform of the labor laws (hiring and firing employees in France is strictly regulated) in the years preceding the next election and everyone is very aware the unions will soon be blocking the streets and highways again to protest.

In a staunch defense of the workers, she criticized the president for what she called a “policy of perpetual precariousness”. Taking aim directly at his reforms to the labor code: “Macronism is the triumph of the dominant class whose only moral veneer is human rights and whose only values and purpose is money.”

In order to be able to focus fully on French politics, Marine has decided to appoint a replacement for her seat in the European parliament for the time being. For this reason, the secretary general of the Front national, Nicolas Bay, was assigned in Strasbourg, as co-chairman of the group “Europe of Nations and Freedom” (ENL) at the European Parliament.

Meanwhile, more than 180 Protests will be held in France on Tuesday. The second largest trade union will lead demonstrations all across the country.

The reform measures proposed by Macron’s government range from ensuring greater flexibility to negotiate working conditions to allow business with fewer than 20 employees to negotiate directly with staff without having to consult unions.

You will understand that the last item on that list is a bitter pill to swallow for the French unions.


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