By: Steve Dellar | 10-06-2017 | News
Photo credit: @Newspaperhunt | Twitter

Houston Mother Undergoes 9 Surgeries to Look Like Melania Trump

Ms. Claudia Sierra, 42 years old, from Houston Texas, spent a whopping $50,000 to undergo nine plastic surgeries in order to look like First Lady Melania Trump.

She decided to do the weeklong procedures a man told her during a date she looked much 'older' than her age, which upset her very much.

The divorced mum of three believes the current US First Lady is “the most beautiful woman” in the world. in order to look like her idol, she underwent a breast enlargement, a tummy tuck, a butt lift and several other procedures.

“I definitely want to look like Melania Trump. What is there not to like? She's perfect to me. This is the perfect woman,” Ms. Sierra commented.

After weeks of recovery, she is now finally able to show off her new look.

Dr. Franklin Rose, the plastic surgeon who worked on Ms. Sierra’s transformation into Melania Trump, used pictures of Flotus as an inspiration during the drawn-out process.

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Claudia after looking at herself in the mirror: 'I wanted to have a polished structured look like Melania Trump, she is very glamorous and I like that, I didn't want to appear as a frumpy, typical-soccer mom like before. I feel like the First Lady and I are very alike too, everyone puts her down yet she remains a powerful, strong woman and that's what I want people to see in me.

Dr. Rose said he would use the before and after pictures of Ms. Sierra’s transformation as a selling tool for his cabinet: ”From Claudia's preoperative images she was a very pretty girl, if the patient is very attractive to start with after surgery she will still be very attractive looking a little closer to Melania. She looks super elegant and beautiful, she doesn't look like she has had so many operations and procedures.”

“Claudia was always a very beautiful girl, now she's extremely beautiful and sought after. She is the perfect demographic, she's 42 and has great beauty so maybe more patients will come in saying they want to look like Claudia instead of Melania in the future, we will have to see.”


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