Judge Sheelagh Canavan at Snaresbrook Crown Court upon hearing about the case remarked the quite funny: “What 15-year-old schoolboy would turn down such an attractive offer?”
We have to admit that although we here at the Goldwater come across many stories of teacher-student relationships, 15-year-old boys are unlikely to turn down this offer when it comes free.
In the UK yesterday, Miss Alice McBrearty, a 23-year-old teacher at a London prep school, was jailed for admitting a full-blown sexual relationship with a 15-year-old student of hers.
Miss McBreaty, who still lives at home with her parents in Wanstead Park in the north-east of London, was weeping throughout most of the hearing.
Her defense attorney claimed that she felt stressed because of work and instead of socializing with colleagues, who were mostly older than her, she befriended a boy in her class via Facebook. The boy received the friendship offer one Saturday morning, felt special and accepted.
Prosecutor Lisa Matthews: “It started in January when she befriended him on social media. He woke up one morning to see a friend request from Alice McBrearty on Facebook. He felt special and accepted it. She messaged him asking for his number at the weekend. She took him out to Olympic Park, went for strolls and out for meals. "
Miss McBreaty then kept the boy in the classroom at a certain point, kissed him passionately several times and then met up with him at her parents’ house on 3 different occasions to have sex with him.
She also booked a room at a nearby IBIS hotel to sleep with the boy for a night, and as a birthday treat picked the boy up from his home and took him to a nearby garage where she performed oral sex. The affair came to light when the father of the boy asked his son about it.
Judge Canavan: "I accept he was consenting - what 15-year-old schoolboy would turn down such an attractive offer? I accept you truly believed this was a great romance, you were in love with him and vice versa, and that age didn't matter. But it did.”
If you are 15 …